Chapter 13

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Sebastian heard a sigh from the carriage when his Master noticed the familiar setting of the Phantomhive lands. With everything that had happened last night between his little Master and Lady Elizabeth, he had actually felt a little sorry for the human and hoped that being home could perk up the young man's spirit. Unhappy souls never tasted as good as those that were content.

This morning the invitations and requests to call had come pouring in. Truly, his Master's face had been priceless when he had seen the two stacks of envelopes his butler had brought with his breakfast. That hunted look had come over the Earl again and Sebastian wondered why he had never brought that particular expression to his Master's face. He was the one that was going to consume the young man's soul after all.

'Prepare the carriage as soon as possible, Sebastian. We're getting the hell out of here.'

He allowed himself a laugh at his little Earl's expense. The memory alone still made him smile.


"Come Lucien."

In the blink of an eye, a human eye, the blond was seated next to Sebastian.


"There were no attacks on Phantomhive lands last night. However, your mate seemed to know that I was there."

The Elder's head snapped around. "What do you mean she knew that you were there? I told you to stay out of sight."

"And I did, but she knew that there was someone in the forest. She kept looking directly at my hiding place." Lucien snorted. "Even had the servants check the boundaries before she went to bed. The cook and the gardener took turns walking the grounds all night. Them, I would have expected to feel off as they have the battle experience, but not her."

"Serena knew that you were in the woods but she didn't feel anything strange about Marcus. She even trusted him far enough to let him get her alone." Sebastian turned his attention back to the horses as they were nearing the drive.

"Could she be growing more perceptive the longer she is around you, Elder? It's been known to happen before. Or perhaps she was on edge without your presence. Emily has said, that even with yourself at the tower, she is always uneasy until I return."

"I didn't know that Emily felt she wasn't safe in my home."

"It's not that." The blond struggled with how to describe it. "She said it was a heightened awareness or restlessness that happens every time I leave her. I believe it is a defense mechanism that a demon's mate develops, although I am not certain."

"Perhaps." Sebastian turned the team of two horses between the stone pillars marking the drive to the Phantomhive home.

"Elder, there was something else that I feel I should warn you about. Your mate has done something that I do not think your Master will appreciate. But it leaves me eagerly awaiting her presence in the tower."

"What are you going on about now, Lucien."

The younger laughed. "Oh, you'll see. I wonder who will really 'rule the roost,' if you catch my meaning? If you have nothing else for me to do, I must be going now. I told Emily that I would've been back by now and I'm sure that she's worried."

Sebastian waved the other demon off as they pulled in front of the entrance. Bard appeared to take the horses and the butler admitted that he looked exhausted. Helping his Master from the carriage, the demon approached the front doors with a sense of apprehension after Lucien's warning. The door was opened before they reached it by Snake who bowed as the Earl entered the house...and stopped dead.

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