Chapter 45

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Serena walked slowly through the busy airport sandwiched between Lucien and Edwin. Exhaustion was setting in as she noticed the demons shorten their strides again to stay with her. Still, she had a feeling it was more emotional exhaustion than any lack of sleep.

The redhead tried to remember the last time anything had been simple and realized that the last few weeks of her life had been overrun with high excitement and high stress.

'Note to self; never wish for something to happen.' Her steps slowed further. 'Now, it's over and I'm back home. And nothing's changed. Or, has everything changed? I don't even know anymore.'

"My lady?"

Lucien put a hand on her arm and Serena realized that she had stopped in the middle of the walkway and was staring at the floor. She looked up when she saw that he was talking but she wasn't hearing a word. Edwin came up behind the other demon, staring at her.


Edwin pulled her to the side of the walkway as a family was passing them.

"I'm sorry." A hand dove through her hair and wanted to pull. "I'm sorry you have to watch me because I can't stay out of anyone's business and I keep falling into trouble. Which if you knew my life before I met Sebastian, it was downright boring. I don't know why I keep finding this shit, or maybe why I can't stay away from it. 

I don't know why I believed him or why I thought that running into a forest in the middle of the night around a house that was always under attack was a good idea. And I don't know where we're going. Because I don't even know where my mother is right now, I didn't call to tell her that we were coming in and she probably would've forgotten anyway. And I guess it really doesn't matter because there is no way that she would be okay with you two staying there."

"You forget that the Elder has had a century to wait for you. He already has a home prepared for your use." Edwin nodded and turned as the problem was solved.

Serena burst into tears. Both demons stood shocked for a moment before crowding around her and keeping passerby from seeing the redhead. No one should see an Elder's mate so vulnerable.

"Emotional overload." Lucien put a hand on her back and settled in to wait.

"What are you talking about?" Edwin was watching the passing crowds, warning all to keep going.

"Don't tell me that you can't see it." Lucien waved a hand at the redhead. "She's one giant ball of emotion. She's exuding it. She's just calling for a feeding."

"Don't you even think about it." He moved to step between Lucien and Serena.

"Pain's not my thing. You know that." Lucien waved the other demon off. "Just as you know what I mean. Places of transit are no demon's territory. We need to get her out of here before some stupid, young demon thinks she's too delicious to ignore."

"I agree." Edwin looked around before sighing. "You start moving her toward the doors. I'll get the car out of parking."

Lucien nodded. "Hurry."

The other demon took off, moving fast enough the humans around them never noticed him. Lucien leaned down and slid an arm around Serena. He started walking, letting her bury her head in his jacket to block out the rest of the crowd. There were still far too many people that stopped to look at them or followed the pair with their eyes toward the exit. 

They should have thought this through more. Edwin was good at intimidating humans. Lucien was good at drawing them in. He couldn't use his power to make humans look that other way, as a demon that fed on lust, he basked in human attention. Sought it out and fostered it without remorse. He didn't know how to make them go away.

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