Chapter 15

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Sebastian hadn't spoken a word to Serena before he followed his Master out the door for their appointment with Lau. The redhead decided to wander the halls while they were gone. While smaller than the manor, the Phantomhive family townhouse boasted five bedrooms other than the Earl and Countess's suites, a library/reception room, and a ballroom. 

Although still clean, the ballroom looked like it hadn't been touched since the previous Earl's time. Chairs and small tables had been pushed against the walls and were covered with white sheets. The doors to the balcony overlooking the garden were shut tight. When she tried to turn one of the locks, the metal screeched and wouldn't move far enough. Serena laughed at one thing the butler hadn't fixed but felt a little sad when she looked at the floor. Buffed to a high shine, she could still see the marks from much use long ago.

The reception room had a more lived-in feel with a couple of the books still out on the table and a chessboard set up in front of a wingback chair. There was also a desk against the far wall that held writing instruments and blank paper. It was hard to envision Ciel sitting here after seeing the massive desk that was normally covered at the manor.

The bedrooms held no surprises. Unused, they were still aired out and everything neat. One room was obviously being used, with knick-knacks, decorative pillows and bright silk clothes everywhere. There was also a scent of incense that still wafted through the air. Unable to stop herself, Serena walked over to the wardrobe and felt a stab of envy at the colourful silks and touched the pale peach of her own gown.

'Unmarried ladies wear demure colours.' The dressmaker's words came back to her from the day she had gone shopping with Elizabeth.

'Except in evening gowns.'

Sticking her tongue out at the wardrobe, the redhead went back to the hall. She saw a door tucked into a corner and figured that it led to the servants' bedrooms.

'I wonder what Sebastian's room looks like?'

The sound of the front door opening stopped her in her tracks.

'Well, so much for that idea. I should have thought of that earlier.'

As she came to the head of the stairs, a strange voice drifted from the entrance.

"It is good to be back, isn't Highness?"

"Yes, Agni."

She stopped dead at the sight of the two Indian men. 'Wow, two more that are spot on. Even the clothing is right. Although, no purple hair. I guess this is reality though.'

Both men looked up and saw Serena on the stairs. The white-haired man stepped in front of his prince, pushing the younger man back in a protective gesture.

"Hello, miss. Who are you?"

*************************A Demon's Mate************************

Sebastian opened the door for his Master and ushered the young Earl into the house. The teen had been deep in thought on the way home after their interview with Lau and was still distracted. Laughing greeted the two and brought his Master out of his thoughts.

Both stared up the stairs and realized that there were multiple voices coming from one of the guest rooms. A masculine laugh drifted down the stairs and Ciel sighed.

"She said that she was going to stay out of trouble."

"At least she didn't leave the house, Master."

The Earl waved his butler off and headed up the stairs. A heavy accent greeted them at the top and Ciel rubbed his forehead in anticipation of the headache that always started around the Prince.

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