Possessive! Marx Soul/Star Warrior! Reader:Request

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(Requested by Streeter13 hope you like it X3)

"Marx! Please stop this madness!" You cried in despair, trying to escape the jesters grip.

"You are MINE Y/N. I won't let these insolent FOOLS touch you." The jester cackled maniacally, sending another octo cutter at your star warrior friends.

"Do not worry Y/N! We'll get you out of there!" Sir Dragato shouted as he dodged his attacks.

Marx's grip only tightened, causing you to cry out in pain as your armor scraped painfully against you.

You twisted and squirmed as the jester let out another cackle.

Marx turned at the sound of a sword being brandished.

Your heart dropped.

It was none other then your best friend and fellow human star warrior.

F/N froze as he saw Marx's cold eyes. "L-let Y/N go!" He shouted, his voice wavering.

The jester cackled. "How cute. You think you can stop me?" He cackled again. "You aren't worth the energy, but I suppose you must die as well."

He gave a dismissive gesture with his unoccupied wing towards F/N.

F/N gave a startled gasp as a seed appeared at his feet. He looked up and met your eyes, giving you a small sad smile.

"I'm sorry."

The seed exploded, and he was gone.

You don't know what exactly happened. Something inside of you had just snapped. You felt rage and pain course through you.

Marx killed him.

The only one you had left.

Just like that.

"I HATE you! Let me go right now you murderer!" You screamed, fighting furiously.

"I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU YOU F#%$#*G MURDERER!" You managed to grasp your blade and in a blind rage, you stabbed it into his wing.

Marx immediately dropped you in surprise, allowing you to fall onto the ground with a thud.

Marx hissed in pain before suddenly sweeping you off your feet and into his wing.

"Y/N!" Was the last thing you heard before a bright light blinded you.

Blinling back the colorful spots that danced in your eyes you felt Marx's cold wing set you down gently.

As your vision cleared up you saw the purple jester sitting on the ground.

He had gone back to normal, minus the wings.

His large eyes looked sane, his face was downcast in contrast to the crazed smile he had.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I didn't want to hurt you. I love you." Marx whispered sadly.

"What....?" You stared at him not sure if you heard right.


"Then why, why did you kill him?" You choked out blinking back tears.

"Because my dear Y/N," he flew closer, gently tracing his claws across your lower jaw. "You are mine, and only mine." With that, the jester pulled you into a rough kiss, making you tense up, before melting into the kiss as well.

It only lasted a few seconds, but it felt eternal. As if you were the only ones in the universe.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end sometime.

"UNHAND HER YOU CRAZED LUNATIC" a voice roared, making you pull away.

Sir Dragato, along with the rest of the star warrior recruits, charged forward brandishing their weapons.

Marx chuckled quietly before whispering into your ear. "I'll see you soon my dear."

With that he disappeared again, leaving you alone eith the rest of the warriors.

"Madam are you alright?" Sir Dragato asked studying you for injuries.

"I'm fine don't worry." You replied staring at the rising stars.

"Good, lets say we head back to the base for some dinner hm?" He questioned, sheathing his sword.

"Sure!" You said smiling. "As long as we train after."

Sir Dragato chuckled quietly before turning and heading back to the base.

You glanced back in the direction that Marx had gone, and noticed a flash of colors spread across the sky.

Perhaps one day we shall see each other again. You thought with a small smile, before turning to follow the rest of the Star Warriors home.

(I tried Idk where I was going with this XD hope you still liked it tho)

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