Christmas Cookies

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"I wAnNa WiSh YoU a MeRrY cHrIsTmAs!"

"Ack- Blade quit it!" Y/N hissed quietly, smacking the armored knight.

"You sound even worse than Mike Kirby." Sword continued, glanicing around into the dark hallway.

"I'll have you know, I've been taking singing lessons! If you would have actually paid attention instead of fangirling over your garbage shows maybe you would appreciate it more." Blade replied sticking his tounge out.

"What did you say you-"

"Guys quit it! Just help me get the sugar." Y/N whisper-shouted at the squabbling knights.

"Yes Miss L/N" they both replied, before helping the female.

"If Meta Knight finds us stealing his sugar he's going to-"

"I'm going to what exactly?" A spanish accented voice hummed right behind the three thieves.

Blade let out a very manly shriek, dropping the sugar and bolting to hide behind Y/N.

"Oh its just you Sir Meta Knight." Blade sighed.

"Might I ask what you three are doing?" The knight questioned as he studied the very guilty looking trio.

"I was just.... Uh..... borrowing your sugar forever." Y/N replied hesitantly. (Me tho)

"Mmhm. I assume my flour, milk, eggs and butter as well?" He questioned again, glancing at the pile of "borrowed" foods.

"And don't forget the measuring cups too." Blade spoke up cheerfully only to fall silent under Y/N and Sword's glares.

"Well Sir, its just that uh, Miss L/N wanted to... bake cookies with you! Yeah! You know, the holidays are coming up and so she thought it would be fun for you two to bake something." Sword replied.

"Yeah because Y/N LoOvEs Y-" Blade was cut off by a hand covering his mouth and a glare from Y/N.

"-your cooking! Yup its delicious haha.." Y/N finished quickly with an awkward chuckle.

"Well I suppose I won't be missed for a few moments.." Meta Knight mused to himself.

"Exactly! So we'll leave you two to it." Sword said in an overly cheerful voice. He smacked Blade and motioned for them to go.

"Oh right! See ya Y/N" Blade quickly waved goodbye before sprinting after Sword, leaving Meta Knight and Y/N alone.

2nd point of view >:3
Oh god oh god oh god what do I do???? You panicked internally as you awkwardly looked around. Dang it Blade and Sword! This wasn't supposed to happen!

Although... Maybe this is my chance to finally confess! Pfft who are you kidding Y/N, he'd never like someone like you. You thought sadly.

"Miss L/N, are you alright?" Meta Knight asked, noticing your expression fall.

"Ack- Yes I'm fine. Oh uh by the way you c-can call me Y/N." You stammered slightly.

"Alright then, Y/N," he paused testing out the name, "shall we begin?"

You simply nodded, slightly flustered at how beautiful your name sounded with his spanish accent.

Snapping out of your daze you turned towards the ingredients, pulling back your hair (for long haired people, short haired just ignore this RIP) into a ponytail to keep it out of the way.

"So what type of cookies were you thinking of?" Meta Knight questioned as he gracefully hopped onto the counter.

"Well I was thinking either gingerbread or sugar, what do you think?" You replied.

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