Galacta Knight/Lost!Child!Reader

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(A wild Update appears! This wasn't requested, just thought it would be fun to do :3)

3rd Point of View
"Mommy? Daddy?" A tiny voice squeaked, trembling slightly.

"Mommy! Daddy!" The voice cried out again in fear.

"Mama!" The young girl cried out right before bursting into tears.

The little girl sat down, hugging her plushie tightly as she began to wail.

"MOMMY ITS DARK AND SCARY WHERE ARE YOU!" the little girl cried.

A low growl immediately made her quiet down.

"Mommy?" She sniffled, turning towards the sound.

A dark shadow of an animal melted out of the shadowed trees. Its dark yellow eyes locked onto the young girl who gasped in fear.

"N-nice kitty." She tried backing away, only to trip and fall.

The mountain lion began to advance slowly, growling savagely.

The girl let out a shriek of fear as the mountain lion sprang, closing her eyes and hugging her plushie tightly.

She heard a woosh of wings, followed by a yowl of pain.

"Back you vile beast!" A voice snarled.

The young girl opened her eyes to see a strange pink creature with fluffy angel wings.

The pink creature swiped at the mountain lion, scaring it away with a scoff.

It put away it's pink lance and turned to the girl.

Galacta Knight's Point of View
The girl flinched away from me, which is understandable. "Are you hurt?" I grumbled backing up a little as I studied her.

She seemed to be a fairly young human. How strange, usually they stay with the adults don't they?

"N-no" she squeaked quietly. She seemed to be holding a toy, perhaps it comforts her.

"Whats your name?" I asked her, hoping to calm her down.

"Y/N! Whats yours sir?" She replied, seemingly perking up.

"Galacta Knight. Where are your parents?" I asked her.

"I don't know. Me and mommy were camping when I saw this really cute bunny so I followed it and then I couldn't find mommy." Her face fell and she began to cry.

Of course she cries. What are the comfort words again? There there?

"Hey relax kid, I'm sure you'll find your mother." I relpied quickly, hoping she would stop crying.

To my immense surprise, she instead tackled me into a hug, making me jump in surprise.

"B-but I'm sc-scared" Y/N whimpered.

"Thats not my problem." I growled again trying to push her away.

With a defeated look, she finally let me go, only to stare at the ground.

She sniffled quietly and I noticed her grip the plushie tighter.

"ALRIGHT FINE YOU WIN!" I stepped forward reluctantly as she let out a cheerful "Yay!"

"I suppose you can stay with me for tonight, and then tomorrow we can look for your parents."

"YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!" she cheered excitedly jumping up and down.

I must admit it was rather amusing to watch.

I stepped forwards again. "You're not afraid of heights are you?"

"Well kinda" she said looking nervous

"What a shame" in a swift moment I gently set her on my back, spread my wings and took off.

I heard her squeak of alarm as she gripped my armor tightly.

"Relax its not so bad." I told her as I evened out my flying.

2nd point of view
You felt the wind rush through your hair and risked a glance upwards.


Your eyes lit up as you felt the rush of wind whip past you.

You were staring at the stars when you felt Galacta Knight start descending.

With a soft thump, he landed, causing you to fall backwards with your stuffed animal.

"Owie" you whimpered quietly.

"My apologies" Galacta Knight said turning to you.

You looked up at him, really noticing how he looked for the first time.

"Wow! You have horns! Like a dragon!" You chirped jumping up excitedly and reaching for one.

"I do," he said catching your hand gently, " but isn't it time you get some rest? It is rather late after all."

You let out a yawn, feeling the exhaustion of the night catching up to you.

"I guess I am kind of sleepy." You mumbled as he released your hand.

"Well feel free to pick a tree, I personally perfer that one but I suppose you can-" he cut himself off as you leaned against his side and promptly fell asleep.

"Of course" Galacta Knight sighed, gently wrapping his wing around you. He leaned against a nearby tree and looked at the stars.

"I suppose not all lifeforms are awful. I never really thought about the lives of children when I destroyed their planets." He thought outloud. He glanced down at your sleeping form and couldn't help but feel slightly guilty as he remembered all the planets he destroyed.

He was deep in thought when he felt you shift slightly in your sleep.

He looked down once again and let out a soft chuckle.

"I hope to see you again sometime, you seem like a good kid." Galacta Knight mumbled, before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.

The next morning you yawned, stretching slightly as you opened your eyes.

You were startled to see that you were in your room.

Wasn't I in the woods?

The door opened and you looked over to see your mother opening the door.

"Good morning sweetie, how are you feeling?" She asked, sitting down next to you.

"I'm good mommy!" You chirped before frowning slightly.

"I had the weirdest dream mommy. I was lost in the big scary woods and a cool looking knight found me and I was flying mommy!"

"That does sound like a weird dream sweetheart." Your mom replied.

You glanced at your bedside table and gasped quietly.

A beautiful liliac feather rested on the table, almost glowing in the sunlight.

You picked it up, gently stroking it before looking outside the window.

"Yeah it was."

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