Sick Meta Knight/ F! Human! Reader

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It was another beautiful day in Dreamland. You were happily skipping towards Whispy Woods, humming quietly to yourself. You had finally convince Sir Meta Knight to teach you how to properly hold a sword.

Meta Knight.. You thought, your face reddening slightly. As cold as he may seem to others, you knew that deep down he had a heart. You loved everything about him. His spanish accent, the way he cared about Kirby, the way he talked.. One could say you had a..... small crush on him. You stopped at a small clearing where you two were meeting.

Doesn't matter though, as long as I keep our friendship alive, then maybe later we can turn it into something more. Possibly...

Speaking of Meta Knight...... "Where is he? He's not normally late.." You wondered aloud. Deciding to wait for him, you sat down on the ground and leaned on a nearby tree.

~~~~Le Time Skip~~~~

Sunlight stung your eyes as you opened them. I must have fallen asleep.

Standing up and stretching you felt a wave of sadness hit you. "He never came. He must have been joking..." you said to yourself sadly. On your way home, you decided that maybe, just maybe, Meta Knight simply forgot.

Yeah thats why. Of course. Taking a detour, you headed towards Castle Dedede as the sun began to set. Once inside the castle, you headed towards Meta Knight's room.

Taking a deep breath you knocked twice and waited. No answer. Thats strange... You thought, knocking again, but slightly louder. Still no answer. You were about to knock again when the door was flung open under your hands. There, leaning on the door frame stood none other then the Knight you were looking for.

"Miss Y/N? What are you doing here?" He said in a raspy, spanish accented voice. He coughed into his cape with a slight groan. "Sir Meta Knight are you ok?" You asked crouching down the look at him.

He didn't respond. Trembling slighty, he pushed himself off the door and stumbled towards you. He flopped against your chest shuddering. Startled you looked at him, worry drifting into your eyes. "My apologies señora," Meta Knight mumbled quietly, "would you mind helping me to my bed?"

"Of course I'll help you" You said carefully picking him up in your arms. Clearly embarrassed, Meta Knight shifted a little in your arms as you stepped into his room.

The room was beautiful and not what you excpected from Meta Knight. The walls were a lovely shade of purple with a blue trim. There were two bookselves fill with intresting looking books as well as a desk with a half written letter on it. The bed was centered perfectly with a purple blanket that had Meta Knights signature M on it. Meta Knight let out another raspy cough followed by a slight groan.

You quickly walked to the bed and gently set him down on it, pulling the blanket over him. "Thank You Y/N" he murmured snuggling into the blanket. How cute.. You thought to yourself starting to stand. You were startled when you felt a hand grab the back of your shirt. Turning around you saw Meta Knight holding the small piece of your shirt. "Please don't leave me miss." He mumbled, unaware of how he basically just ripped your heart in two. "Don't worry Meta Knight, I'm just going to make you some soup ok?" You replied flashing him a quick smile. Letting go of your shirt he flopped back onto the bed. "Don't burn my kitchen down." He mumbled shutting his eyes. Flustered you sputtered trying to come up with a retort. Heh cute. Meta Knight thought, opening an eye to look at you. Unable to come up with anything you mumbled something under your breath and left the room.

"Don't burn down my kitchen" you muttered to yourself starting on the soup. "It happened one time. And that was Blade's fault for leaving the oven on." You grumbled, cutting the vegetables. Once the vegetables were cut, you tossed them all into the pot and waited for the soup to finish. You poured the soup in a bowl and made your way back to his room. You opened the door and found him sitting up without his mask on.

Ah crap here we go again. Your face immediately turned red as you looked at this, adorable and innocent looking creature before you. Is this the same masked swordsman? It can't be this things too innocent.

"Miss Y/N? Are you alright?" Yup same spanish accent. "Yeah of course why?" You asked while having an internal nose bleed. Feeling a smirk make its way to Meta Knights face, he cleared his throat. "Would you mind passing me the soup then? " he asked as his eyes turned pink with amusement. "O-oh my apologies" you stammered passing him the bowl of soup. Meta Knight chuckled a little before he began to eat.

~Le Time Skip~

You had been taking care of Meta Knight for a week now. He was now in perfect health and was ready to return to work. But first he needed to make a quick stop.

You scrolled through your song playlist, looking for the right song for daydreaming. Glancing up, you heard a soft knocking on your door. Standing up, you opened the door to reveal none other than your knight in shining armor. He stood in the doorway holding a bouquet of roses out to you. "Hello Miss Y/N." Meta Knight greeted, giving you a quick look over. You smiled at him, crouching to accept the flowers. "Thank you Sir Meta Knight." You said taking the flowers and beckoning him to come inside. He stepped in and scanned the room. "My apologies, its a little messy." You said with a weak chuckle as Meta Knight walked towards the pile of opened books. He scanned the titles briefly, noting that most were romance and fiction. You placed the roses in a vase taking a moment to admire them. Meanwhile Meta Knight sat down on your couch, trying to work up some courage. I've fought demons by myself this is nothing. You. Fricking. Got. This. Meta Knight. he mentally cheered himself on as you sat down next to him. "So.... nice weather we're having right?" You said before immediately wanting to die. Heck no why did I say that 'Nice weather' tctch i ufcufx You thought while inwardly cringing. "Yes indeed." Meta Knight replied.

Taking a deep breath and a moment to prepare for rejection, he mustered up as much confidence as he could and turned to you.

"Miss Y/N I must tell you something very important." He started, taking one of your hands. He averted his gaze before continuing. "I must say that you are a fine young lady and I am glad to have had you as a friend."
You felt your heart shatter as he said those words. "But... lately I've been having different feelings for you. I see you as a beautiful, kind hearted girl anf I just can't seem to get enough of you. I love your laugh, the way your eyes glow when you're happy. I want to be able to see that every day, forever. I guess..... what I'm trying to say.... is Miss Y/N.." He took off his mask, still avoiding your gaze. "I love you."

Silence. Meta Knights heart wrenched as he looked up at you nervously. Your expression morphed from confusion, to shock, to... tears!?! "Miss Y/N are you alright?" Meta Knight immediately jumped up to dry your tears away when you suddenly yanked him towards you and crashing your lips onto his. His eyes turned a bright orange in surprise before fading to a loving purple as he returned the kiss. After a few seconds you broke the kiss staring into his eyes and surprised expression. Smiling at him you hugged him tightly. "You have no idea jow much I've longed to hear those words. I love you too Meta Knight."

Work can wait. For now though, this was where he was going to stay. Meta Knight returned the embrace, snuggling into your neck as his eyes once again turned a loving purple.

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