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The bell rang after an hour signaling the end of first period.

"That is all for today everyone. We will continue this debate on Wednesday," Professor Roberts dismissed us. I quickly packed my bag and walked to the door, in attempt to dismiss Lucien's presence as quickly as I could.

"I think that was my favorite class," Lucas whistled, trotting next to me.

"I usually don't fancy attention, but I couldn't let someone disrespect a masterpiece as different from Pride and Prejudice or The Great Gatsby," I commented with a huff.

"So, I was being disrespectful now?" Lucien interrupted, suddenly appearing next to me.

"Well, your assumptions were pretty unreasonable for someone like you s-"

"Someone like me?" he cuts me off, "so now you're stereotyping me or something like that?"

"No, I didn't mean it like that! You're just...you just need to do proper research before you criticise," I stammered a bit. Each time I'm around him, I could never be the confident Amara I wanted him to see me as.

"You need help getting to your Art class Amara?" Lucas broke the tension between Lucien and I with a very sudden but distracting question, eyeing us back and forth.

Before I could've given him an answer, Lucien spoke up. "I'll help her. I'm also in that class," he looked over to me for confirmation and I stood between the two uneasy, not sure what to do or say. I would much rather be in the company of someone who doesn't tease or make fun of me, but I didn't want to seem rude. So, I responded with what I thought was best for the situation.

"You get to your class Lucas, doesn't make sense that you walk back and forth and risk being late. I'll walk with Lucien."

He looks at Lucien one more time before muttering a small okay. As I watched Lucas walk away and head to the other direction, I heard a faint hi beside me. I turned my attention to the tattooed boy who seemed to never get tired of staring at me.

"Want any help?" he offered.

"Sure, could you probably hold my bag? Kinda tangles up with my tubes," I mumbled. He removed the straps off my shoulders and slung one over his.

"Why are you being so nice to me? Offering assistance and speaking to me in a soft tone," I asked as we started walking again.

"Is it a crime to help others?" he scrunched his eyebrows together.

I sighed in defeat. "No, but I just got a certain feeling that you didn't like me when we first met. It's strange because I never did anything to hurt or upset you, yet you seemed uncomfortable."

"It's not like I hate you. I just don't like to make friends," he said in a blunt tone.

"Meeting new people is also something I'm not fond of, but would it kill you to try?" Something about him made me feel all tingly inside and I've yet to discover it. If anything that can get me closer to an explanation as to why I feel this way towards him, I'd at least want him to be comfortable around me.

He shot me a smile, taking his bottom lip between his teeth and left it there, as if in thought.

"Perhaps. Also, it's not shocking that you would find the dumbest, lamest kid to become friends with."

"Hey," I lightly hit him on his upper arm, but regret my action as I respect consent and territory. Lucien surprisingly didn't respond to the touch.

"Lucas is actually bearable, unlike you. And I thought you were going to try to be nice?"

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