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My words caught up in my throat as I gaped at him in shock. So our feelings for each other are mistakes then?


"It was the only way to shut you up so... I kissed you," he said shrugging me off like I was nothing.

I shifted in my seat and placed the oxygen tank between my legs. "That's not a logical answer."

"What's the point of my answer? It's not like I enjoyed it."

"Excuse me?"

He glanced over to me for a split second. "You weren't.... accustomed."

"So, you kiss me without my consent and now you're judging the way I kiss?" He gets unbelievable as the days go by.

"I didn't force myself on you so stop acting like I did," his voice raised almost the same level as mine.

"I'm not so stop raising your voice," I barked.

"Only if you stop acting like a little bitch," he rolled his eyes in arrogance.

I couldn't believe the words that mindlessly spilled from his mouth.

"Stop the car," I choked out. He looked over to me and shook his head no.

"Lucien please, stop the car before I run us off the road," I said, fuming.

"You do not get to boss me around in my own damn car so either you spit out what the hell has gotten into you, or you sit there and act like the child you are," he barked.

Without thinking about the consequence, I punched him on the shoulder making him accidentally swerve. He yelled out and, in a flash, he pulled to the side. I unbuckled the seatbelt and got out of the car, stomping away from him in fury.

"You don't get to walk away from me Amara!" he yelled but I couldn't care less about him at this point.

I was a good distance away from where we stopped until I felt him snake an arm around my waist and turn me around to face him on the spot.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going Amara?" he yelled in discreet.

I tried prying my way out of his grip, but he was too strong for me. "Stay the hell away from me!"

He tightened his grip around my waist, and I mustered up the courage to push him off of me.

I brought my hand up to slap him across the face. ."Touch me again and I will break your hand!" I screamed. I was surprised at my harsh words, but I had enough of him.

He flicked his head over to me and his face softened; his eyes went red from the hard contact.

"What do you want from me Lucien? Am I the charity case you often deny? I am trying...so hard....to be the friend you don't want, because I need a friend too Lucien," I started crying, and I didn't care how I stupid I looked.

"Then get another person to tell all your sappy stories to," he spat, not even concerned about my feelings.

"Why are you doing this to me?" my lips quivered as I spoke, "to tell me how desperate I am in making a friend? I'm not doing this for me Lucien. I'm not selfish. This is for you. The lonely boy who puts on this tough act like nothing's wrong in his life when I know that he's a fucking mess. Before you, I would've never pictured myself cussing around and crying over people, but you bring out the worst in me and I hate you for that."

He took a step forward, his eyes never left mines. "Then why try? Huh? If you hate me, why want to be in such a mess you know you can't handle?"

I found myself walking closer to him and I grabbed ahold of the sides of his face. "I want to be in your life. I want you to be in mines. Don't you see? We need each other. We're both broken, despite our differences. We could help each other."

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