(Revised) Illidan x Preistess of Elune! Reader (Pt. 1)

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This got so much longer then I ever intended.

Reader's P.O.V.

  The airship rumbles as it goes through the darkened sky. The dark environment of the inside of the ship not helping the current tension. The two groups cramped inside together are shooting frowns and glares. Alliance members are lining my side. Humans, gnomes, dwarfs, and a worgen along side myself and one Dranei. Staring down two Darkspear Trolls, three Orcs, an undead, and a goblin. My companions are practically growling at those across form us.

    The orcs are actually growling at us. So is one of the trolls, a red headed rouge by the looks of it. His mint haired companion however is quiet. He's a strange-looking man, I don't tend to see warlocks often. He's a deep blue troll with white paint on his face. A stripe down his nose and three dots underneath his right eye. Each dot larger then the last. The third largest stops going no further then the end of his eye.

   Said eyes are an interesting glowing amber color. His hair is wild yet not as crazy as the crimson one next to him. He also has two braids with raptor talons intertwined in them. Settling against his large and decorated ear. He's got a tooth, exotic feathers, and metal bands in his ears. He's calm settled cross legged on the floor. A powerful looking staff slung over his shoulder. if I didn't know better I'd think he was meditating. Perhaps he is, there are pandarins in both factions.

    There's a snarl that snaps me back to reality. Sighing I look just in time to see when the worgen nearly bites the crimson haired troll. The pair of leather bound fighters start arguing loudly. While I barely understand the troll in red there's enough of common thrown in by the worgen to know what they are arguing about. Frowning I get to my feet making to stop them before they break out into a brawl. The dranei reaches for me, likely to stop me, but I just smile down at her and carry on. Stepping between the towering men and pressing my palms into each ones chest.

   "Don't do this now." I scold looking between the pair, "Everyone is on edge, I understand that. Both the Alliance and the Horde have taken a large blow. There is no way to compare Vol'jin and Varian, so don't." I sigh when both gigantic males barely acknowledge me. Neither of them even trying to listen to me. Frowning deeper I push against them when they spit more curses. Their hands starting to go for their weapons.

   "Dat be enough outta ya!" The large rumble comes from the calm mint troll. Broken from his focus he looks at us. The crimson troll turns on him. Saying something in their language. The mint troll says something back in their tongue that makes the red one recoil. Conflict twisting his face as he glances at me and snorts. Before settling against the wall glaring at the floor his arms crossed. He looks like a scolded child like that. Looking to the mint troll and I give him a gentle smile. Hoping to get my gratitude across. Turning my full attention on the growling Worgen.

   "That blue skinned bastard-" I roll my eyes reach up and gently slap the side of his snout. It makes him snort and reel back.

  "-And you are a black furred bastard." I scold him. He snorts and drops his head to flash those fangs at me. Unfortunately for him, I've stared into the maws of much deadlier creatures.

  "Neither of you. Nor anyone in this world deserves to down play how important Varian and Vol'jin were to their respective people. You might as well as spit on their graves, and the graves everyone else who died on that shore. Alliance and Horde." The massive wolf hunter recoils and his ears flatten. Losing his fire, he mimics the troll across from him. His tail pinning between his legs as he slides to the floor. Crossing his arms and hiding his face behind them. I watch him half expecting a whine before shaking my head.

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