Younger! Sett x Vastaya! Reader x Vladmir

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Reader's P.O.V.

"You heard about that pit fighter right?" Two Noxian men murmur to each other. My furred ears perk and flick at them.

"The one with the vastyan wife. Heard they've got a brat." The two walk out of my hearing range. I've overheard a lot about that pit fighter recently. This guy has old news by the sound of it. I first heard that ages back. No idea how long it if it's even true though.

"Now my dear, Why are you wasting away in the slums again?" The iconic posh voice pipes up.

"It's where I live sir." The blonde man tilts his head. Humming as his claws click against each other.

"I found that artist you asked for." His face twist into a smile. Wether or not that smile is genuine or cruel is beyond me. But he reaches down and brushes some of my h/c hair out of my face. His claws slice through the matted grim with ease. I can only think of what it would do to me, or anyone else who had the misfortune of getting on his bad side.

"Wonderful, you've done me quite the favor." He purrs before conjuring a small pouch of coins for me. He drops it into my lap. While I tell him about the house of artistans, and about the female artist he was seeking. Once the trade is done I pocket the coins and bow my head.

"Thank you for your business sir." Getting up I start off trying to ignore the feeling of his gaze on my back. Eventually I get much further into the slums then I imagine the prim man would want to go. Racing off I start my real trek to my hiding spot. I've gotta watch out though. Those guys who found my last one could still be after me.

"Back off ya beast boy bastard!" The yelling sounds like that man from before. He's uncomfortably close to my base. Sneaking my way up I look down to see what's up. It does look like it's the men from before. They're surrounding a small boy with magenta hair, and ears?

"Not so tough without your daddy around huh brat. As useless as the thing that birthed him." The boy is beaten up really badly. They really did a number on him. I start backing away as one of them picks him up by his scruff. This isn't gonna end well.

"Don't talk about my momma!" He tries to lash out at them. I'm honestly shocked he can still speak clearly like that. One the men sock him in the stomach. He doesn't let out a sound, but he does get even fiester. Kicking and flailing trying to get free. My fleeing is stopped, and I end up feeling conflicted. Should I try and step in? Can I even do anything here?

The boy seems almost twice my size and is definitely older then me. If he can't fight them off how could I? The coin pouch on me suddenly feels very heavy in my pocket. Maybe I can't brute force them off, but I could persuade them off. Reaching in the pouch I take out the coins. He gave me fifty gold coins. Finding a hiding hole I drop fifteen of them in. Grabbing ten coins I keep them in hand, and put the remaining twenty five in my pouch. Sucking in a breath I know I'm gonna get messed up at least a bit.

Sneaking my way down I head over and pull what courage together. "Hey."

The two men look at me, "If it isn't another beast brat."

One man turns but the other doesn't drop the boy. He approaches me and towers before grabbing my shoulder.

"Sticking that wet nose where it doesn't belong stray?" He's squeezing my shoulder hard. Picking me partly off the ground.

"I'm here for the boy." He scuffs as his spit ends up on my face.

"Oh and what for?" Raising my hand I reveal the gold coins. His face falls a bit as a brow raises.

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