Yakumo x Main Character! Reader x Louis (Louis Ending)

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Same notes as the last one
Though this does take place much later in the game, and I used a build I have in game for the fight scene.

Anything canon to the other one shot is applicable here. As long as it doesn't push the Yakumo relationship. Like Yakumo and reader being good friends, reader giving everyone presents, and most importantly the memory of Yakumo's that plays in that one shot.

Reader's P.O.V.

    "Yakumo, knock them off the ledge!" I shout as two enemies land on the bridge from the towers above.

   "Got it!" He dashes past me into a spin which knocks the two approaching enemies into the abyss. I dash to the enemy he was dealing with. Stinger blood veil summoning as I send my tail through the lost's abdomen. It turns to ash as I pull away. Drawing my sword I dissipate into mist to leap forward. Passing the next enemy's defense and lashing out with my blade. It staggers back as I watch a blur pass me. Yakumo slams down his blade. Slicing the last one down the center. It's two parts collapse and fade into ash on impact.

   I'm heaving as my entire form is uncomfortably sweaty. At least the air in the crypt isn't as hard to breath as in the trenches or the howling pit. My arms are heavy, my legs are shaking, and my head's pounding. We've been at this for hours. At least that's what I assume. There's no way to tell the passage of time in the crypt. The enemies here are insane.

   "Y/n how you holding up?" Yakumo calls and I see he's panting and heaving too. Covered in sweat and blood. He's kneeling and his blade is looking too heavy even for him.

   "Not much better then you by the looks of it." He lets out an exhausted and shaky laugh. Wearing a tired grin on his face.

  "Got any regeneration?" His voice shakes and I shake my head.

   "Damn." Yakumo looks like he's about to drop. Putting my weapon away. I drag myself over to Yakumo picking up his free arm. Throwing it over my shoulders.

  "Come on, there's got to be a mistle near by. Just a bit further." He nods and together we shamble into the next room.

   "Once we get there. We've got to rest." I make my voice as cold as possible. Holding on to Yakumo with all the strength my body will allow. Just as I expected he reacts by trying to jump.

   "Mido's-" I cut him off.

   "Mido is at full strength, and we're barely able to stand on our feet. We need to rest Yakumo." I scold him and he gives me a hopeless and defeated look. It's clear he doesn't want this. His hatred for Mido is controlling him, and it's making everything worse. We reach an elevator and step inside. Both of us resting our weight on the wall. We're boarder line collapsing as the elevator stops. Once it opens we escape and I nearly collapse when I see the mistle.

   We both settle and I drop my blood on it. The mistle activates and I will it to take us back to home base.

   "Guys your- Dear God what happened!?" Murasame shouts and we look up to see the entire party looking shocked. Murasame and Louis runs to us. Helping support us and once Louis takes my weight my conscious blinks out.


   "Oh my head." I groan and my mouth feels dry, and everything feels sore and miserable. Mido really threw us through the ringer, and we didn't even get to him. Prying open my eyes I look and see I'm in my room. Oh my poor bed, I'll need to wash it now that I've laid in it without bathing. Shaking my head and sighing I try force my sore muscles to work. They all vehemently protest especially my arms and legs. Even after 'resting' I feel like I'm in no shape to face Mido. 

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