Models AU! Model! Vergil x BussniessWoman! Reader

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Reader's P.O.V.

    I type away on my computer the gentle tune of violin playing from speakers as I work. Listening to the gentle string instrument keeps me focused. Rather then unnerving silence, or too loud conversation or its powerful sibling the guitar. I'm interrupted by a knock on my door. I stop and crack my knuckles while rolling my neck. Pause my music and reach to tighten my hair band that's loosened. Before loudly welcoming the guest in.
   "Mrs. L/n. You have a guest." I peek at my calendar.
  "Funny. I didn't think I had any appointments today." I mean to say it more to myself then her.
  "You don't ma'am but-" All I hear is a Yelp next and then.
  "Hello Y/n L/n! Name's not important, but my occupation is!" Some man storms past shoving my secretary aside. She barely catches herself and manages to keep a hold on the stacks of papers in her arms. The tux wearing man happily trots over.
   "I have a proposition for you that can't be ignored, and -" I stand from my chair.
  "It can and will be ignored if you do not apologise to my employee immidantly for almost sending her to the floor." I slam my hands on the desk making him jump after moments of nothing from him. He turns and gives a sorry excuse of an apology.
   "T-thank you sir. It's fine ma'am. I jsut need to get back on schedule without further disturbance." I sigh and dismiss her and the woman runs off. Crossing my arms I glare at the man standing before me.
  "Who are you and what do you want?" He turns back to me and puts back on that fake car salesman grin I'm all too familiar with.
  "Well my offer-"
  "That is not what I asked you. I won't hear this offer you insist upon if you don't give me respect in my own office." I snap at him. Already fed up with this fedora wearing lunatic and his antics.
  "Alrighty then. I am Jacob McGallen the manager to the up and rising male model and star Vergil Sparda." I stare blankly faced at him.
  "Is that supposed to mean something to me?" I watch him visibly flinch and pale. I might as well punched him in the gut.
  "He's the lesser known twin brother to the famous actor, model, music star Dante Sparda." I stare blankly at him.
"Jacob was it?" He nods, "I am an owner of a rising pro-eco energy efficient company that is making reveloutnary technology. Worth a net value of over 785,900,000,000 dollars. I have multiple head quarters over the world. I fly to and check on monthly. Why in God's name would you expect either of these names to mean anything to me?" I watch as he practically starts sweating bullets.
   "I mean well-" he laughs nervously.
  "I'm a woman, so of course I'd know about all the male models." I raise a brow at him voice dripping sarcasm. He nearly falls over himself. If he had a drink he'd be choking on it at this point. Soon I hear steps as Jacob stands there stunned.
  "Mrs. L/n, you have another visitor." I look up and a white haired men dressed well nods and gives her a polite thank you. My sectary heads off. The man looks and his icy blue eyes meet my bored e/c ones. He looks over the scene and shakes his head. Walking over silently.
   "Now we can talk about -" Snap, I watch as Jacob falls to the floor. The mystery man having easily knocked him unconscious.
  "Apologizes for any thing this idiot has done. He's an old friend of my brother's, and neither are known for having brain cells." The man states in a prim and proper tone before. Kneeling and easily throwing this Jacob characer over his shoulder.
   "Have a good day." He turns and carries the idiot right out the door. I watch staring in silence until they walk out of my view.
  "Well now I'm off schedule." I grumble and give a smile to my secretary who comes and closes my doors again. I go back to my desk, resume my music, and go back to typing away reports and responding to emails.

Time Skip

   "So then what?" Trish is leaning on the table. The club owner is relaxed and dressed in slick black leather.
   "A prim white haired man comes in. Knocks the idiot out, throws him over his shoulder, and walks out. Knocked me off schedule by an entire minute." I huff and Trish chuckles at me. The club is calm and everyone is having a good time.
   "Sounds like the idiot probably isn't who he claims to be." I shrug.
  "He was rude and annoying, and even if he was telling the truth. I frankly don't care." The club slowly grows louder. 
  "Someone buy a round of drinks for the crowd?" I question from our VIP balcony. She stands up and looks at the club below.
  "It would seem something on the TV has everyone riled up." I sit up and look over and watch the TV.

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