Chapter 1 - Departure

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As sun rays penetrate through my eyelids from the window, I knew it is morning already. I rise from my bed as I yawn and stretch my arms, I just realized how time flies by. At first, I thought I was just a little girl and now I am 15 this year.

Thinking about it, I feel apathetic all of a sudden. For 15 whole years, I don't have anyone to play with nor to hang out with. It's not like I was depressed all over it, I just.....feel alone. With all those times, I have spent reading countless of books and I dedicated myself on how to draw.

Mom: North! Breakfast is ready!

A chirpy voice can be heard downstairs, it was my mom calling me for breakfast. I quickly get up from the bed and I rush down the stairs, reaching the dining room, the whole room is scented with an aroma of food. Our breakfast for today is bacon and eggs and a cup of coffee.

I already take a seat as I wait for both of my parents to join me. Soon after, my mom serves a single dish of bacon and eggs. I feel dumbfounded as I question myself "where is dad?".

Mom: Your father already left for work, honey.

North: No wonder there are only 2 plates.

The first thing I do is take a sip from my cup of coffee. The aroma goes through my nose as I drink it. It is truly delicious. It's called Blue Mountain. My mom was a barista back in Japan and now she is a housewife.

Mom: Oh honey, I have some good news for you!

Her lively voice caught my attention. I wonder what is it all about?

North: What is it, mom?

I ask in a small and quiet voice. I never spoke so very lively like mom since there is no reason for me to talk like that.

Mom: Well.... we'll be going to Japan and you will be attending high school!

As mom tries to surprise me with her chirpy voice, she expects to see a smile from my face since I was homeschooled for the whole 10 years after reaching 5 years old. My lips formed into a fake smile, trying not to make mom feel bad that I wasn't interested.

North: That's great mom.

That faint smile completely vanishes afterwards as I continue to eat breakfast. I noticed that mom hasn't taken a single bite yet. She sighs afterwards as she stares at me with an apologetic expression.

Mom: I know, you're not interested. Homeschool is more effective than going to a regular school.

I mean she is not wrong. I did learn a lot from her. From English to Math to Science and even Japanese. There are no schools here who teach the Japanese language and I can pretty much speak and write in Japanese, but I am more fluent in speaking English.

North: It's not that I'm not interested......but....

Mom: But?

North: I don't know if I'll be able to make some friends.

My life has been dull.....with no friends around to laugh, chat and play with, my life has been pretty much meaningless.

My mom reaches out to me as she pats my shoulder and her lips turned into a bright smile, trying to reassure me.

Mom: Everything will be fine honey.

*hiatus* A Missing Melody (A BanG! Dream FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now