Chapter 5 - My first sound

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The next day after the transaction of my guitar, I immediately went to Hazawa coffee to show it to Tsugu. She was excited about seeing my guitar and she gave me Ran's address.

I was dumbfounded at first and Tsugu reminded me that Ran said it herself that she doesn't mind her teaching me how to play guitar.

After Tsugu giving me Ran's address, I immediately went to her house since Ran is more experience and it's a good idea to let her know that I have now a guitar. But with a surprise, Ran was also heading to the cafe. I met up with Ran and I showed her my guitar, she was impressed and she would gladly teach me how to play, and with that, she leads me to her house after grabbing something at the cafe and she has started teaching me how to play.

1 week later

This past week, Ran has been teaching me the major chords. Not just that, but she also taught me how to hold my guitar properly too.
Fretting on the strings is quite hard for me but Ran said that it's like that at first and you will get you used to it before you I knew it.

Mistake Residence

I brought my guitar on the way to school since I'll be heading to Ran's place after dismissal. Everyone in the class was puzzled upon seeing me with a guitar on my back, filling the atmosphere nothing but awkwardness. I tried my best to avoid them and continue on with the lecture.

Reaching Ran's house, I press the doorbell and I am greeted by her father. He has this displeased look in his eyes but I can still feel some sense of being welcomed into their room.

Mr. Mitake: My daughter is not home yet. Please, come in.

With the breezy afternoon, Mr. Mitake lets me inside the house and he leads me in their living room which is a very Japanese style that I don't know how to call it that that is mixed with a traditional Japanese interior design with sliding doors instead of a normal door.

With the guitar in my back bringing me down, I quickly take a sit on the sofa and wait for Ran to come home.

Mr. Mitake leaves me in the living room and he heads in the kitchen. This is the first time I am alone with Ran's dad. I am quite nervous but he is not really a bad person.

Her dad is against the band of Ran. Ran never bothered telling me why and I didn't push her to spit out the reason since I am not that kind of person.

Moments later, Mr. Mitake returns to the living room as he places down a cup of tea that he prepared for me. I take the cup of tea and the fragrant smells nice, I took a sip as Mr. Mitake takes a seat on the sofa as well. Tea is not really my thing but the taste is unique.

Mr. Mitake: Shizuyo-san, was it?

My body quivers when Mr. Mitake calls me almost spilling my tea. I shift my gaze on to his displeased eyes.

Mr. Mitake: Did Ran brought you down on this silly band of hers?

I shake my head in response, hoping it clears the misunderstanding that I was just inspired to play guitar, not that Ran wants me to play.

North: Uhm, no. Not really. It was my own intuition to learn how to play guitar. Nothing more.

Mr. Mitake lets out a heavy sigh that is mixed with annoyance. Just how much does he hate band? Or rather, just how much he doesn't want Ran to be in a band?

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