Chapter 6 - A Fleeting Moment

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December 21

How time flies by so fast. At first, it was Autumn and now, snow is suddenly falling from the sky, it's now December. From practicing playing the guitar, I've managed to play the song that Ran taught me. We had to change our practice place due to her family reasons.

For fun, I've been practicing some Christmas song, since Christmas is a big thing in Japan, and I planned to practice playing some Christmas songs. On the side note, I skipped both the Cultural Festival and the Christmas party. Since it will bore me to death. If Chisato is not that busy, maybe I could've attended and join with her.

Speaking of December, we were planning to go back to Washington to celebrate Christmas with Dad......but.....I wanted to stay here. I talked it out with Tsugu if ever I can have a sleepover, and she said yes with no falter, though I have to help out with their cafe and I didn't mind at all. And that's where mom agreed and let me stay over at Tsugu's home, so by now, she is back at Washington with Dad and my grandparents.

Hazawa Coffee

Tsugu's Room| 10:00 pm

While Tsugu is in the shower, I strum on my guitar as I sing a song with a Christmas song. I have nothing else to do after closing down the shop while Tsugu is still in the shower. She is awfully taking a long time as the melody from my guitar fills the room.

Tsugu: Nor-san! You're next!

Tsugu enters the room and was surprised that I am playing the guitar. She puts a smile on her face and closes the door behind her.

Tsugu: Your hard work really paid off. I'm happy that you're taking your time to play the guitar.

I stop playing and put my guitar at the side. Indeed she is right. I know Ran is still a beginner but she knows her stuff when it comes to teaching me how to play.

North: Yeah. It's all thanks to Ran. I couldn't play the guitar without her help.

Tsugu: That's Ran-chan for you. How about you take a bath and call it a night?

I nod in response and I get up on the bed and grab my pajamas that is right next to me and exit the room and head my way towards the shower room. It's a very quiet night as I pass through the hallway. Tsugu's parents must be already asleep by now.

I enter the shower room and I remove my clothes, bra, and panty and place them inside a basket and I stepped into the shower. I flinch as my toes touch a chilled ceramic floor. I turned the shower faucet as thousands of lukewarm droplets, as my white hair darkens and it trickled through my back.

North: Maybe I should hold a mini-performance in the city. Since I don't have a band, I can always perform alone.

I mutter under my breath as I am talking to myself. There is no way I can perform in Space, I heard that Owner has high standards with her audition, not to mention it has to be a band. Just thinking about it feels like I have already failed even if I do have a band of my own. If I am going to perform outside with the coldness, I should be careful and avoid getting exposed from too much cold.

North: Kyah!!

I suddenly slid the shower faucet into the cold side and I flinch as cold droplets touch my skin and let out a loud squeal out of reflex. I turn the faucet shower back to warm and that solved my problem quickly.

Tsugu: Nor-san! What happened!

Tsugu breaks in the shower room as she sees me naked. Not that I need to feel embarrassed since we are both girls. As I look her in the eye, she is wearing a worried face. I should be more careful next time.

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