Chapter 3 - A faint of coldness

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2 weeks later

After School

After 2 weeks of attending Hanasakigawa high, I have never made one single friend. At this point, I have no more hope for me to make a single friend. Feeling lifeless, I head towards Tsugu's cafe since I don't feel like going home immediately. I'm sure Tsugu is working by now since I have fallen asleep for an hour again after dismissal.

Arriving at Hazawa Cafe, I open the door to their shop and I am greeted by Tsugu herself until she sees my lifeless face, her face shifted into a worried expression as she approaches me.

Tsugu: Nor-san? What's wrong?

I take a seat on a nearby table and I faceplant on to the table. I can feel Tsugu takes a seat next to me as she gently pats my head, to reassure the situation that she doesn't know yet.

Tsugu: Are you okay Nor-san? Did something happen?

Tsugu asks in a soft and worried tone. I slowly face her while my head is still on the table, letting out a sigh afterwards.

North: 2 weeks have passed and I'm the only person who never had a single friend.

Tsugu's worried expression shifted into a reassuring face as she smiles at me, as she continues to pat my head.

Tsugu: It's all right Nor-san. You still have Himari and I. There's no need to put down yourself.

As Tsugu flashes a smile, I lift my head as I smile back to her. She is right, after all, why would I forget the very first friend I've ever made? I am already content just by having both Tsugu and Himari as my friends. At this point, maybe it's time to give up looking for friends in Hanasakigawa.

I stay here in the cafe until closing time, it was refreshing and it puts my heart at ease just by talking to Tsugu. If there are customers around, of course, she has to get back on duty and while waiting for her, I continue reading my novel.

As the cafe closes, at the same time, Himari swings the door open as she starting to feel all dramatically for some reason, until I realize that she is going to vent on Tsugu. She doesn't mind me being here, letting me hear her vent too. It's all about this person called Moca-san, who was calling Himari fat, and now Himari is convinced that she is indeed getting fatter.

Tsugu tries to calm her down and reassure her while I continue to read my novel as I take a sip on my coffee that I ordered earlier.

Himari: Nor-san! Please say something! I'm not getting fat, am I?

I am interrupted by Himari's loud voice as she starts to let out some little tears, as she asks of me to say something, filling the room with only of her venting. I place down my novel on the table and I sigh afterwards. Good grief.  I mutter under my breath before I reply to her vent.

North: As Tsugu said, you're not fat. This Moca person is just teasing you. There's no need to get worked up on to it. You already have a good figure if I must say.

And with that, Himari lets out another tear as she pounces at me, hugging me as she rubs her cheeks against mine.

Himari: *Sobs* Thank you Nor~san!! That's all I needed to hear!

As she continues rubbing her cheeks against mine while still embracing me, hoping she would let go of me soon since I need personal space. She lets go of me out of satisfaction and I can't help but blush, my face is burning hot right now. I cover my face as Tsugu and Himari looks at me with a puzzled expression.

Tsugu: What's wrong Nor-san? Your face is red.

Himari: Don't tell me you're sick.

I shake my head in response, to clear up the misunderstanding. 

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