Chapter 7 - Tears of Ice

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December ???


Regaining my consciousness, my eyes are still close. The smell of carbolic acid is overwhelming.  The room is very silent aside from my heaving breathing and a beep sound that is just very near me. Where am I exactly?

I opened my eyes and a beam of light blinded my sight for a few seconds. I blink a few times to sharpen my blurry vision. I glance around the room and the color consists of yellow and orange for a warm feeling. There is a tv hanging across the room and at the side, there's no doubt that's a Holter monitor. I am in a hospital room. 

North: What happened? 

That's the word that came out from my mouth. I try to remember what exactly happened to me, why am I here in the hospital. The memory tries to occupy my thoughts as I remember that night, Tsugu and I held a street performance, and soon after, I collapsed as we walked home. Now that explains why I'm here.

North: So that's what happened.

This isn't the first time it happened. Though, this is the second time I collapsed from the cold. I am a bit sensitive from too much cold that my body will give up on me and will have a hard time breathing until I collapse. How did Tsugu manage to bring me here I wonder?

I take another last look around the room and at the side of my bed, my guitar was carefully placed on the table. I rise my body and pick up the guitar and take it out from its bag. I take an inspection to see if there are any dents when I collapsed that night. 

It looks like nothing happened to my guitar and I put a smile on my face of relief. My portable amplifier is also placed on the table. I take it from the table and gently place it just beside me and I plug in the cable. I strum on the guitar and the quiet room is filled with melody. And suddenly, a lady in a coat enters the room, assuming it's the doctor.

Doctor: I see you're feeling better already. Rest assured, nothing is wrong with you. You simply collapsed that night due to the cold.

North: I know.

The doctor is dumbfounded by my sudden and immediate reply. She scratches her head and clears her throat.

Doctor: I take this is not the first time it happened?

I nod in response and the doctor also nods back, making it look like that she understands the situation.

Doctor: In any case, you should rest up and you'll be fine in a few days.

North: How long was I out?

Doctor: About 3 days, I'm afraid.

3 days? That means the Christmas party with Tsugu and the rest was already over. I let out a sigh and nod back at what the doctor said. She seems to know my sadness that is written all over my face.

Doctor: Your friends were here since bringing you here. There is this one friend of yours who wouldn't stop crying. Hopefully, once she sees you up, I'm sure a smile will appear on her face.

It must be Himari who was crying. I'm sure she'll pounce me once she sees me that I am recovered.

North: I see.

I only let out a smile and the doctor smiles back. Hearing about Tsugu and the others were waiting for me to wake up kinds of put a smile on my face.

Doctor: I'll check up on you later. The nurse will bring your meal in a moment. I'm sure you're craving to eat something.

Now that she mentions it, I am not that really hungry, but I do want something to eat. And after that, the doctor leaves the room, leaving me only with my guitar as my companion.

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