Chapter 4 - First Beat

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After Tsugu invites me to their band practice, we immediately headed over their practice place for me to watch them rehearse.

Walking through the quiet neighborhood as the autumn wind breezes through my body as my hair flows with the wind. I notice that Tsugu has been staring at me for some quite time.

North: Is there something the matter?

I ask as I tilt my head. Tsugu snaps herself back to reality as I ask her. She lets out a chuckle and her lips form a smile.

Tsugu: It's nothing. It's just your hair is just mesmerizing as it flows with the wind. I can't help but stare.

Tsugu's lips form a sincere smile as she compliments me and my face reddens out of embarrassment. No one has complimented me, my appearance nor my hair. Both Tsugu and Himari are the ones who compliment me.

Tsugu: What's wrong Nor-san? You're being quiet for quite some time now?

Tsugu wears a worried face, asking me if I'm okay. I realize I suddenly went silent as Tsugu says those words before. I look back at Tsugu and I smile at her.

North: It's fine. No one has talked to me that way before. I'm just.....happy....I guess.

Tsugu hearing the words that I have said from my mouth. She wears a smile after that.

Tsugu: Glad to hear that!

As we continue walking, I have absolutely no idea where their practice place is. But at the same time, I can't help but continue walking through the quiet neighborhood, as children are playing by the side, birds chirping on the tree, it is indeed a wonderful day.

Tsugu: Do you mind if we run a bit further? We can't let them wait forever.

I have no problems with that actually. They are still in session, so we can't waste more time for them to wait for us. I nod in response and Tsugu holds my hand and she started sprinting, and I sprint with her as well.

Reaching, maybe, halfway through from our destination, we go back to walking as I can feel little sweats around my forehead. I wipe the sweat off my face with my handkerchief.

North: Now I can see why you were tired from going all the way from band practice, back to your cafe. Where are you taking me exactly?

Tsugu: We rented a room in a rehearsal venue, just around this neighborhood. It's the closest one we found, and it's also near our school, Haneoka.

Haneoka. I heard of that school before from Mom. Supposedly, she was about to let me take the entrance exam there, but I ended up in Hanasakigawa, which I have no complaints. Though it would be nice if I'm in the same school as Tsugu, even though she's a 3rd-year middle schooler.

North: So, after school, you and your band members always rent a rehearsal room for you to practice in?

Tsugu shakes her head in response. Well, I really don't know how band practice works, but I can learn a thing or two from Tsugu.

Tsugu: Not always. Renting a room is very costy for us and I also have to help my parents with the cafe. We have our band practice during the weekends.

That makes sense. I rarely go to Hazawa Cafe during the weekends since I always do my homework, read some books or draw if I have some spare time life.

North: Is that so? Are we almost there?

Tsugu wears a smile as she nods in response, confirming that we are indeed almost in the music venue where her band is practicing in.

Rehearsal Venue

Reaching the music venue, we open the glass door and we enter inside, as the cold air from the airconditioner breezes through my cheeks.

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