Ch. 21: Changes

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Later that night, Jesse was kind enough to bail Beca out from the Metro Police Department. One of the perks of being a rich kid. It was great too, because Beca had something important to talk about with him.

"Hey, Hilary Swank from Million Dollar Baby" he said as she walked out, then both started mimicking boxing moves.

"Hey, you know you just have to say, 'Hey Million Dollar Baby.' You don't have to reference the specific actress" she replied as they started walking.

"Damn, prison changed you" he joked.

"Well, thanks for bailing me out, but listen; there's something I need to tell you" she mentioned and they both stopped.

"You're not about to say you're pregnant or joined a gang, are you?" he joked and received an irritated look. "Sorry, I had to"

"Ha ha" Beca mocked before glancing around to make sure nobody was nearby. She then leaned in and whispered,

"Bumper has superpowers"

"What?!" Jesse replied, but not loudly. "How do you know?"

"I saw him while I was being driven away. He like... extended his fist or something and smashed a van"

"Are you sure?"

"Yea, well, it was in the distance and happened real fast, but I'm almost positive" she swore.

Jesse blew out a sigh with his hands pressing against his temples.

"Ok, so Bumper has powers. That's... frightening, but a little strange too. He doesn't seem like the type of guy that would enjoy them. But anyway, what should we do?"

"I don't know, I just thought I should tell you" Beca shrugged. "Do you think we should do anything?"

"Probably not" he shrugged back. "I mean, he hasn't done anything bad, besides, obviously, vandalizing someone's van. He probably just wants to try and stay normal, not have anyone find out"

Beca sighed nervously, not knowing what this could mean or lead to.

"But hey, look, we'll keep an eye on him and see if he does do anything bad. But I'm pretty sure he'll want to keep it on the lowdown" Jesse states assuringly.

Beca let a small smirk play, always feeling better after talking with her best friend.

"Ok" she nodded.

"Cool" he patted her on the shoulder and they began walking towards the limousine. "You know at first, I thought you were gonna say they suspected you're Spider-Woman" he muttered as they walked.

"Ha, if only they knew, right?"


Jesse dropped her off by her dorm building, sharing congrats for their performances and receiving another quick thanks before heading to his own dorm. The brunette returned to her room and was met with a welcoming surprise.

"Hey!" All of the Bellas cheered for their badass of a friend.

Beca jokingly took in all her glory before grinning and shutting the door.

"What up Shawshank!" Fat Amy said.

"Did you get yourself a bitch?" CR grinned.

"Did they spray you with a hose?" Amy added.

"I did a turn at county" Lily quietly said.

"You guys waited up for me?" Beca asked in amazement.

"Of course we waited up for you" Chloe said, her eyes locked with her girlfriend's.

"It's been like hours" Beca noted.

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