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I sat on the soft sand near some flourishing beach grass that swayed and towered behind me. My legs were crossed and I placed my right elbow on my right leg to support my cheek while I had a book in the other hand. Immersed in my reading, I was startled and snapped out of my angsty romance novel when I heard a voice.

"You're here again."

I tore my eyes away from the contents of the page and lifted my head up to see the same blonde haired guy from yesterday. His attire was completely different compared to today. Business like or professional attire wasn't something I normally saw when I was here at the beach. He was wearing a long sleeved white button downed dress shirt but the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows which made the protruding veins in his arms visible. Along with black suit pants and shoes.

"Oh, it's you." I looked away from him after taking in his appearance and went back to reread the last sentence I left off at. "Don't tell me you're here to use some cheesy pick up line again. Your flirting won't work on me you know."

"I-I'm not!" He exclaimed in embarrassment with a wave of his hands before he fell silent a moment after and curiosity struck him. "But why wouldn't it?"

"One, I won't be so easily swayed by a stranger and two..." I lifted my left hand up high enough for him to see the wedding ring on my finger before placing it back down. "I'm a married woman."

"What?!" He blurted out in surprise and I winced at the loudness of his voice. I looked up from my book and turned to my right only to be met with his face inches away from mine. He squinted his eyes and started to examine my face which left me somewhat uneasy especially since he was intruding in my personal space. "But you look so young though! How old are you then?!"

"22." I awkwardly backed my face away from him to avoid him from leaning in any closer.

"NO WAY! We're the same age! Wow, you guys must really love each other if you guys decided to get married so early," he said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Y-yeah I guess so," I replied with a fake smile and ended up averting my eyes to the side. 'It's a lie.'

"Ya know, someday I hope to find that special someone too," he said in content with his blue eye gleaming brightly as he stared off into the ocean with a dreamy look on his face.

"No luck yet?"

He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and the dreamy look on his face was replaced with melancholy. "No, well-I thought I did but...she wasn't the one."

"Oh...sorry about that. But I'm sure you'll find someone. I mean look at you!" I lightly smacked his leg which caused him to look down at me. "You've got the looks and personality that a girl would love to have. Hell, if I was single there's a chance I would've fallen for you."

He was taken by surprise by my words and he let out a chuckle as a blush rose to his whisker marked cheeks.


The two of us didn't really know what to say after and I internally smacked myself for making things awkward. But maybe he'd finally leave and let me sit here in peace.

As the atmosphere between us remained quiet, I lowered my head and returned to my book, hoping to distract myself and finish up this paragraph that would soon lead into the emotional drama and have me in my feels, but unfortunately he struck up another conversation.

"Don't you have something more entertaining or meaningful to do than reading a flimsy book here?" He questioned and I glanced at him from the corner of my eye.

"This is entertaining, but clearly you wouldn't understand," I fired back at him. "Don't you have something better to do?"

"Not really. But, I know how I can spend my time!" He plopped himself down on the sand right beside me and planted his hands on the ground to support him as he slightly leaned back. "I can stay here and bug you until you leave."

"How charming of you." I uninterestedly said with a roll of my eyes, clearing not going to enjoy him pestering me the whole day.

"Aha falling for me already I see! And you said you wouldn't." He gave me a mischievous smile and lightly elbowed my arm while I playfully rolled my eyes at him.

"Pfft, you wish!" I closed my book shut and set it aside on the sand, knowing that I wouldn't be able to finish it anytime soon.

Guess that tragic love story will have to wait.

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