❃ 9 ❃

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"You're late."

"And you're here early," I casually joked with Sasuke as I closed the door to our room shut. He was currently sitting on the edge of our bed and by the look on his face, he clearly wasn't pleased with me and wasn't having it tonight. His onyx eyes were burning with hostility as he harshly glared at me.

"Where were you?" He demanded.

"Visiting my father." After I had parted ways with Naruto, I went to the hospital to visit my father for half an hour. However, there still wasn't any news of him waking yet.

"Bullshit! Don't give me that excuse again!" He shouted and I raised my eyebrows at him and placed a hand on my chest.

"Excuse me?!"

"You were out with another man!" He accused as he began to walk towards me. I took a few steps back and my back met the wall. He slammed both of his hands on the wall and had me trapped between them. "I saw you!"

My eyes widened and I opened my mouth to say something, but Sasuke interrupted.

"Who is he?!" He roughly grabbed my arms and pulled me towards him before slamming me against the wall. I yelped once I felt my back hit the wall and kept my head low with my long (h/c) hair obscuring my face.

"Answer me (Y/n)! Who is he?! Who's the one you're having an affair with?!"

I began to wince as I felt him dig his nails into my arms and tears began to sting my eyes. I gritted my teeth trying to withstand the stinging pain in my arms.

"Let go!" I used whatever strength I had and pushed him away from me and tried to storm past him but he got in the way.

"I...I haven't done anything with him! Whatever you're thinking, we've never gotten intimate or anything like that! I haven't cheated on you physically...but I guess you could say I have emotionally." I may have not cheated on Sasuke physically, but the cheating all began when I started to feel something for Naruto. It was my fault for it happening.

He seethed through his nose and his eyes were ablaze as he turned his back on me and paced around the room.

"I thought....we...." he trailed off as he looked at me and the wedding ring on our fingers before he scoffed. "Never mind, forget it! He was right!"

"Who was right? And...Sasuke, do you...like me?" I cautiously asked as I took a step forward.

"...Yeah," he admitted as he ran his hand through his black hair. "My father was right then....you didn't marry me because you like me...you married me for money and status!" He reached and grabbed ahold of my wrist and threw me onto the bed.

I tried scrambling away but he straddled me and pinned my arms down to the bed.

"You're just like everyone else!"

"It was Fugaku's idea! I-I agreed to it because I was in desperate need for money! You don't know what it's like to go through something like that because you had everything handed down to you! I...I did it for my father!" I screamed into his face and I turned my head away from his because I didn't want him to see the tears welling in my eyes.

"I hated you the moment I laid my eyes on you...but these past two years with you weren't so bad and...I guess....I slowly started to feel something." His onyx eyes were clouding with gloom and he tightened his hand around my wrists.

"I'm sorry Sasuke...but I can't reciprocate your feelings because they were never there from the start for me. How the hell was I suppose to know that you like me with that emotionless expression of yours! Plus you ignored me the first year we got married! I'm sorry but I...I've fallen for someone. And that someone isn't you."

The gloominess disappeared from his eyes and was replaced with rage. He roughly kissed my neck and made it painful rather than pleasing.

"Sasuke, get off of me!!" I yelled but he ignored me and continued to do as he pleased.

"I'll show you who your husband really is." He let go of one of my wrists and pulled down my strapless dress just below my breasts.


"I'll show you what happens when you betray me, an Uchiha," he darkly muttered as I squirmed under his touch and pleaded for him to stop as tears welled up in my eyes again.

"This is your first punishment, your second one is..." he trailed and what escaped his lips after left me heartbroken.

There was a ringing in my ears and I shook my head in denial. The tears bursted and I wept under him as he continued to taint and roughly force himself in me, ravaging my body.

And that night, my innocence was completely shattered.

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