Am I Dead?

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"Am I dead? Because you must be an angel."

Scott opened his eyes and was immediately blinded by bright lights. Footsteps and voices echoed around him and filled his ears, but it all sounded so far away. Squeezing his eyes shut again, he concentrated on his breathing and hoped that the dull drone would stop. His head was spinning like crazy and he had no idea where he was. He knew he was on the ground, but he wasn't sure how he got there; his memory of the events leading up to his regaining of consciousness were fuzzy. He remembered that he was in a restaurant, but that's about it.

"Oh my God, are you OK?" A clear, high voice broke through the barrier of white noise submerging Scott's brain. He opened his eyes again, but his vision was too blurry to really see anything. "Can you hear me?" the voice asked, and Scott felt a small hand on his forehead. "Kirstie, get a warm towel. He's ice cold."

Once Scott's eyesight was clear enough to focus on who the voice belonged to, he locked eyes with another man's dark brown ones. The man was kneeling beside Scott, one hand on Scott's forehead and the other holding Scott's left hand, rubbing small circles into Scott's palm with his thumb. It's funny how Scott's brain was barely functioning at this point, and the only thought running through his mind was about how ridiculously attractive this guy was. People were staring, but Scott couldn't care less.

"Hi," the man said with a gentle smile. He had brown hair so dark it was almost black, which swooped off to the side of his face in side bangs, with matching dark scruff lining his cheeks and jawbone. "You passed out a couple minutes ago, but it's okay. You're gonna be fine. My friend is getting a hot towel for you. Just breathe, it's all good. Deep breaths."

This was too much for Scott to process at once in his current state. "Am I dead?" he asked the man, while noticing for the first time how cold he actually was. Goosebumps started breaking out all over his bare arms and even on his legs under his pants.

The man gave him a look that said seriously?" Yeah, you're dead," he replied sarcastically before breaking out into a smile again.

Scott smiled back a little weakly. He faints and gets revived by a gorgeous stranger? There is a God. "What happened, then?"

"You were eating your food in the booth across from us, and you got up out of your seat and then you just kind of stood there with this weird blank expression on your face. And then you fell over. It was really weird. Maybe you stood up too fast or something." Scott's brain woke up a little after hearing that, and he realized that the guy had been staring at him when he fell over. Probably because he looked like an idiot, but it still boosted Scott's ego a little.

The man hooked his fingers under the collar of his black sweater (with tiny cats printed all over it, no less) and pulled it over his head, revealing a tight-fitting band t-shirt for some group Scott had never heard of, but it didn't really matter because damn. "Here," he said, holding up the sweater for Scott to see. "You're pretty cold. Can you sit up to put this on?" Scott nodded, propping himself up on his elbows first, then all the way up. He took the sweater from him, threading his arms through it and struggling to fit his head through the hole. The guy couldn't have been more than 5'10", and had the clothing size to prove it. Scott looked like a clown with his arms sticking way out past the sleeves. The other man smirked when he saw this ill-fitting ensemble. "Couture," he snickered in a fake posh accent before both he and Scott dissolved into peals of laughter.

Just then, a girl with long blonde hair came over to them and knelt down beside them, gingerly holding a towel. "Okay, be careful, dude, this thing is hot. Put it on your forehead, but don't burn yourself or anything."

Scott did as he was told, taking the damp towel from her and flinching when his skin came in contact with the scalding fabric. Carefully, he dabbed his forehead with the towel, but instead of warming him up gradually, it just make him all hot and sweaty. But at least he wasn't dying of hypothermia, and it was nice of these two to help him out. "Thank you so much, um..." he trailed off, realizing he didn't even know either of their names.

The girl smiled and held out her hand to Scott. "Kirstie."

Scott smiled back and shook her hand, his other hand still holding the hot towel. "Kirstie, cool, nice to meet you. I'm Scott."

"And I'm Mitch," the other man said, eyes flicking downwards to Scott's hand. "I'd shake your hand, but I feel like we've already had enough of that for one day, hm?"

Scott just stared at him, mouth agape for a split second before he caught himself and nodded. He had to be dreaming right now. "Oh, heh. Yeah."

Kirstie glanced from Scott to Mitch, and Scott saw her flash a sly smile at Mitch. "So Scott, we were gonna watch our friend Avi play a set at the bar down the street. You wanna come if you're feeling better?" she asked him.

"Yeah," Mitch agreed, "you should totally come with us. Avi's really cool and he's an amazing singer. He can hit bass notes like nobody's business, it's awesome." His eyebrows were raised in a look that read to Scott as please please please please please.

Scott was happy to oblige. "Okay. Yeah, I'm good. I'll come, it sounds like fun."

After Mitch and Kirstie helped him to stand up, Scott paid for his food and tried to avoid the judgemental stares from the rest of the restaurant patrons who no doubt saw the whole thing. It didn't really matter, though, because Scott was basking in the glow of the knowledge that Mitch had been checking him out when he hit the ground, and probably during the rest of Scott's meal, too.

He hoped that Mitch would let him keep the sweater.

It was gonna be an interesting night.

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