Three Months

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A/N: 300 reads? Holy smokes, you guys are the best! In return, expect regular updates Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays :) This one was extra-fun to write! It's funny, because my friend with scoliosis did this exact same thing to our other friend. Please note that I'm not a scoliosis expert by any means, and a lot of the symptoms are very exaggerated. Enjoy nonetheless! xoxo

"I only have three months to live."

Scott drove home from the doctor's office with a smirk glued onto his face. He had been planning this April Fool's day joke for weeks. After Mitch's stunt last year (creating a fake New York Times article that claimed Beyoncé had died in a car crash and showing it to Scott), Scott knew that he had to one-up Mitch this year, big time. Luckily, he had the perfect plan.

To make it even more convincing, Scott had scheduled the doctor's appointment for that April 1st. No way Mitch would have believed him if the appointment were on any other day. He got an empty manila envelope from the receptionist and asked Dr. Lewis for a copy of his old x-rays from middle school. He didn't want to explain to the doctor why he needed them. Playing April Fool's pranks when you're 22? That's pretty embarrassing. But it was Mitch and Scott's favorite holiday-that-wasn't-really-a-holiday, like Pi Day, so of course, Scott had to go all out. He would be the victor this year.

As he parked his car in front of the building and walked up the stairs and to their apartment, he rehearsed in his head how he would break the "news" to Mitch. He vaguely remembered an acting class he took in high school where the teacher was telling them about how to act out believable sadness. Trying to recall those tips, he tried to think of anything depressing: The Notebook, the beginning of Up, dead puppies, dead kittens (or God forbid, dead Wyatt). Dead Avi, Kirstie, and Kevin. Dead sisters. Dead parents. Dead Mitch.

Actually, you know what, that was enough.

When he got to their front door, manila envelope in hand, he took a deep breath before unlocking the door and stepping inside.

"Hey babe," Mitch called from the living room, no doubt either on Tumblr or watching Spongebob, or both. "How was your appointment?" Scott rounded the corner and sure enough, there was Mitch sitting on the couch on his laptop with Spongebob blaring in the background. He knew Mitch like a book.

Scott seriously thought he was gonna start laughing, but he took a steady breath in and out, keeping a straight face. "Well...about that. I need to talk to you. Turn that off."

Mitch glanced up at him, surprised by his somber tone. "Is everything okay?" he asked, setting his computer aside and reaching for the remote to shut the TV off. "Don't tell me you have an STD, because even if that's your prank for this year, it's so not funny..."

Scott couldn't help but smile a little as he sat down next to Mitch, setting the manila envelope on the coffee table. "No. It's not that. And it's not an April Fool's thing."

"Oh, thank God," Mitch said with fake relief on his face and winked at Scott. "But seriously, what's wrong?"

Showtime. " you remember how I used to wear that brace for my spine?"

"Yeah, you have scoliosis. Why?"

There was no going back now. He couldn't so much as crack a smile or Mitch would totally know. At this point, he began to dig up memories of finding out he had to wear the brace, getting called "turtle shell" by the popular guys at school, and crying to his mom about how weird and stupid it made him look. Yeah, now he was into it. He almost forgot for a second that it was just a prank. "Well, my doctor always does a curvature check-up on my spine, you know, to see how much it curves and if the percentage is reducing over time. At my worst, it was 32%, but lately, it's been more around 9% or 8%. But today he did the curvature test, and it was 72%, which is a really at-risk level."

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