Are You Dead?

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A/N: Thanks to tutu-juan-bee for the idea! Enjoy :)

“Are you dead? Because you give me the necrofeels.”

“Road trip!” Kirstie exclaimed as she hoisted her blue suitcase up into the back of Scott’s parents’ minivan and slammed the trunk shut. “Are you as pumped as I am, Scooter?”

Scott nodded, grinning at his best friend. “You’re damn right I am,” he replied, opening the drivers’ side door and sitting down, putting the key in the ignition. “You got the cooler?”

“Yep, it’s in the back. I made extra sandwiches, too.”

“Sweet. Get in.” Scott started the Toyota as Kirstie hopped into the front seat. “How far is it again?”

Kirstie buckled her seatbelt and took a look at the directions as Scott backed the car out of his driveway. “Thirteen hundred miles from Arlington to Traverse City, so that’s nineteen hours. The Super 8 reservations in Urbana are set and we should be getting up there around 8:00PM. Checkout is 11:00AM.”

“Sounds good.” He put the car in drive and started down his street towards the main road. “This is awesome. Our first college road trip, Kirst! Michigan, here we come!”

At 4:00 the next afternoon, the exhausted duo finally pulled up to their rental cottage situated along the beautiful Traverse Bay. “Oh, my God, look how cute our little house is!” Kirstie said, practically jumping out of the minivan before Scott even put it in park. “I love the paint color.”

“Same,” Scott agreed as he got out of the car and went over to start unloading the trunk. “Here, come help me carry this inside.”

It didn’t take long for them to get situated and unpacked, with all their stuff out of the car including the empty cooler of Nutella sandwiches. They stood outside on their cottage’s dock, the breeze propelling the waves to and fro beneath them as the sun set on the horizon. The sky was painted with vivid pinks, reds, and oranges, casting a hazy light on all the distant boats dotting the bay’s surface. Scott had never seen a more gorgeous sunset in his life. “I gotta Instagram this,” he said, taking his phone out of his pocket.

“No, no, no,” Kirstie scolded, slapping his wrist. “Instagram the sunset tomorrow. Just enjoy it for now. You’ll probably never see a better sunset ever again.”

Exactly,” he whined, “which is why I have to take a picture!”

She raised an eyebrow, keeping her gaze out on the lake as Scott snapped a picture, victorious. “Touché.”

After trying (unsuccessfully) to light the fire pit in the backyard, the pair decided to call it a day. The cottage had two small adjoining bedrooms, each with a modestly comfortable twin-sized bed. Scott brushed his teeth, washed his face, combed out his hair and said “good night” to Kirstie before crawling into his bed, thankful for a place to sleep where he didn’t have to worry about bedbugs. He leafed through one of the books on the little bookshelf for a while before switching off the light and falling asleep.

Not a few hours later, he woke up to a crash coming from the kitchen. Petrified as he was, Scott, against his better judgement, slowly and quietly got up to investigate. Maybe Kirstie was up getting a drink of water and hurt herself somehow. His heartbeat quickened at the thought.

Soundlessly, he opened the door and stepped out into the cool hallway. He made his way down towards the kitchen on light feet, using his phone as a flashlight. Another clanging noise came from just around the corner, and Scott nearly jumped out of his skin. Gathering up the last of his courage, he stepped into the kitchen and looked around, surprised to find nobody there. On one last strain of curiosity, he went over to the pantry and flung it open. Of course, it was empty except for food. Just then, it occurred to him that he, like an idiot, never even checked if Kirstie was still in her bed. “Um...Kirst?” he said, his voice fading into the darkness of the house. “You okay? Kirstie?”

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