Fast Food

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A/N: The plot for this one was so hard to come up with, since I didn't want it to be the typical worker/customer romance cliche thing. Hope you enjoy! :)

"Are you a fast-food sandwich? Because you'd be a McGorgeous."

Scott sighed as he straightened his red apron. Did he honestly have to be the one to work the graveyard shift every single goddamn day? He hated it so much. It was basically dealing with people that were either really high or annoyingly wasted. And for seven hours? Alone? Yeah, no thanks. He basically spent his entire life in that McDonalds. He hasn't gone to a party in two months. Not even that; he barely even got to sleep. His only window to get some shut-eye was between 5 and 9:30 every morning. Jeez, a guy can't catch a break even while he's managing to get straight A's at USC and working off his student loans? Apparently not.

So there he was, bored as hell around 2 AM Friday night behind the front counter of the empty McDonalds, when in walked none other than Mitch Grassi. Mitch was a guy in Scott's Music Theory 101 class, and he was absolutely adorable. He always sat in the front row and took notes attentively, only stopping to adjust his round-framed glasses or to fix his hair. He always dressed immaculately in these nice sweaters and button-down shirts, though quite frankly Scott would rather see them on the floor of his apartment. But that's another story.

Mitch was with a couple of his friends, and it was obvious by the way he was talking and laughing with them that he was pretty drunk. Scott wasn't surprised; why else would you come to McDonalds at two in the morning? Unless it's finals week, of course.

"Oh my God, Scott Hoying! Is that you?" Mitch exclaimed as he stepped up to the register Scott was standing at. He was wearing that floral shirt Scott loved on him, and his face was flushed from the alcohol. His hair was pretty mussed up, too, probably from some dude running his hands through it while they made out at whatever party Mitch was just at. Okay, wow, they've barely spoken two words to each other, and already Scott was getting jealous over Mitch's sex life? God, I need to get laid. "I didn't know...I didn't know you worked here!"

"Yeah. Every night." Scott nodded at Mitch's friends, a girl named Kirstie he knew from his World History class and a guy in a beanie that Scott didn't recognize.

"Every night?" Mitch shrieked, speaking far too loudly for the distance they were standing. He was gonna have one hell of a hangover later. "How d'you sleep?"

Scott laughed a little. "I, uh, I don't. So, you guys having fun?"

"Yeah, we are!" Kirstie said, seeming a lot more sober than Mitch. "Mitch tends to, uh, turn up a little too hard sometimes. We figured greasy fast food was the best solution for him right now."

The guy in the beanie laughed, nodding in agreement. "Definitely. There was a rager up at Phi Kappa Psi, and we crashed for a while before someone called the cops."

Scott's eyes went wide. "Jesus, the cops came? Those Phi Psi fuckers think they can get away with everything. What happened?"

"Some idiots had a BB gun and they were trying to shoot down beer bottles in midair, but it shattered one of the windows of the house next door," Beanie Dude explained, rolling his eyes.

"Are you serious?" Scott said, laughing bitterly. "And we're supposed to be a smart college."

"Yeah, no kidding. Especially this genius," Kirstie replied, giving Mitch a light shove.

"H-hey! Don' touch me..." Mitch mumbled, having to hang on to the counter to steady himself.

Scott smiled a little, amused by Mitch's current state. It was funny to see such a goody-two-shoes guy cut loose like that. "Alright, so what do you guys want?"

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