Mophie Case

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A/N: I'M SORRY THIS ONE IS SO SHORT! Some of the pick up lines aren't giving me much inspiration, and this is one of them. But don't worry, there's plenty of others to look forward to :) Enjoy!

"Are you a Mophie case? Because you're giving me extra juice."

This flight was going to be long. Philadelphia to LA wasn't exactly an hour and a half trip, but Mitch was prepared. He was prepared even before he got to the airport and found out that United had fucked up his reservation, and he got booted off of four standby lists before he finally booked another flight on a separate airline (five hours and another goddamn $650 later). All he wanted was to fly home to see his parents for a week, but obviously the universe had other plans for him. Great. Fucking fantastic.

The waiting area for this flight was nearly empty (no shit, it was almost midnight), and he hadn't been waiting long before the airline employee announced that all passengers could board. Mitch grabbed his wheeled suitcase and scanned his ticket at the front before going through the gate and onto the plane.

The Boeing 747 was way too big for the amount of people on the flight; there couldn't have been more than seven or eight in the waiting area. Nevertheless, Mitch ignored the seat number on his ticket and walked about ten rows back from the front. He nearly dropped his bag on his head trying to hoist it up into the overhead compartment (damn, he really needed to start doing some weights at the gym). After shutting the hatch, he slid into the window seat of the row and picked up the Skymall magazine. He loved Skymall, mostly for all the ridiculous shit they sell in there. He flipped through it mindlessly, stopping to read the descriptions for the items that looked either really cool or really stupid.

In his peripheral vision, Mitch saw someone sit down in the adjacent aisle, but he didn't really pay attention to them. As the plane began moving, Mitch shot his mom a quick text saying he was taking off (finally). Before he knew it, the plane was in flight and they were en route back home to LA.

It wasn't long until Mitch had read all the magazines, in-flight menus, and even safety briefing cards in the pocket of the seat in front of him. He took out his headphones and untangled the cord, hoping to fall asleep to some music. To his horror, he tapped the home button on his phone, and nothing happened. "Shit," he muttered, pressing the lock button with the same results. With his last hope, he held down the lock button, and was met with the flashing "battery dead" symbol. He had used up all his battery searching for available flights earlier and, like a complete fucking moron, he forgot to charge his phone back up before he got on the flight. Five hours with no music and nothing else to read? Fuck my life, he thought, tossing his useless phone into the seat next to him.

"You okay?" It was the guy in the row across from him. He was cute, with blonde hair that stood out nicely against his sky blue sweater and equally sky blue eyes, and Mitch mentally kicked himself for not saying hi to him earlier.

"Yeah, I'm fine. My phone's not, though. It's dead," he said, laughing dryly. That sounded really pathetic when he said it out loud. Then again, it was pretty pathetic that he had his phone in his hand 24/7 in the first place, but he couldn't find it in himself to care.

Instead of going back to whatever he was doing like Mitch expected him to, the guy raised one eyebrow at him. "Do you have an iPhone 5?" Mitch nodded, and the blonde reached into his pocket to pull out his own phone. He detached the case, unbuckled his seatbelt, and made his way out of his row and into Mitch's, sitting down in the seat next to him. "Here, you can use my Mophie case."

Mitch just looked at him. A complete stranger was letting him use his charger? "Seriously?"

The blonde smiled and nodded. "Yeah, totally. My phone is on full battery, and I brought a book anyway."

Mitch grinned and took the case, fitting it onto his own phone. "Well, you're obviously the smart one here," he remarked, and they both laughed. "I'm Mitch."


God, he was adorable. Mitch was definitely gonna enjoy this flight. "Which book did you bring?"

Scott grinned, jumping up. "Ooh! Let me show you, hold on," he said hurriedly, going back to his own seat, gathering his stuff, and moving it over to his new seat beside Mitch. "It's called Life After Life."

"Oh my God, no way," Mitch exclaimed, "I love that book! I mean, I hate reading, but I read that book and it was literally so good."


And so began the best plane ride of Mitch Grassi's life.

They talked about anything and everything that came up: favorite movies (Mitch was into anime, Scott liked indie movies), TV shows (both were cartoon junkies; Mitch loved Spongebob and Scott was partial to Family Guy), and music (Beyoncé. Enough said). Work, gross flirty coworkers at work, annoying ex-boyfriends, embarrassing first date stories (Scott's story about his first kiss made Mitch laugh so hard his stomach hurt). College tales, dream vacations, hobbies, siblings, parents, friends. Mitch soaked up every word Scott said and watched him intently, taking in all of his little quirks, like how his left eye crinkles a little when he laughs. Mitch loved all of them.

With Mitch's newly charged phone, they listened to some songs Mitch wanted to show Scott, and they did the same with Scott's music library. Mitch fell asleep with his head on Scott's shoulder listening to a remix of Brandy's "I Wanna Be Down," and in Mitch's opinion, there was no better way to do it.

He felt like he hadn't been asleep for long before Scott was gently prodding him awake. "Hey sleepyhead, we're gonna land soon," he whispered to Mitch. "It's almost 2am in LA time."

Mitch hummed low in his throat, rubbing his eyes as he sat up. "I don't wanna get up. You can't make me," he groaned, sounding like a little kid.

Scott laughed softly, and Mitch swore he could listen to that all day. "You don't have anything planned for today, do you?"

Mitch thought for a second. "No, not really."

Smiling, Scott bit his lip. "You wanna sleep the jetlag off at my place?"

This was too good to be true. Mitch had to keep himself from squealing like a girl as he smiled back at Scott. "I thought you'd never ask."

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