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A/N: Update comin' at ya an hour early because I owe you guys one from Saturday. By the way, I'm updating every Tuesday and Saturday now. So I know next to nothing about Pokémon, but enjoy nonetheless :)

"Are you a Pokémon? Because I wanna Pikachu."

"You look so good!" Kirstie squealed as she put the finishing touches on Scott's makeup. "Oh my God, it's perf. Here, put the ears on." Scott did as he was told, getting up from his chair and retrieving from the bathroom counter the buttercup-yellow headband with long ears attached.

He and Kirstie had won San Diego Comic-Con tickets on the radio last week, so naturally, they were going all-out dressed as Pokémon characters. Kirstie, always the self-described "fairy princess," put together a Jigglypuff costume, and Scott was going as Pikachu, complete with highlighter-yellow spray-painted hair. It was hard to find a good store-bought Pikachu costume for men, and besides, Kirstie wouldn't let him set a single foot inside Party City, insisting the costume had to be homemade. Several thrift store runs and eBay purchases later, he and Kirstie had put together amazing outfits. They set up camp in Kirstie's bathroom the morning of the convention to perfect their makeup.

"Damn, Kirst," he remarked, checking himself out in the mirror. Kirstie had given him reddish-orange circles on the apples of his cheeks, thickly defined eyebrows, and a detailed black nose. He looked just like Pikachu. "You really outdid yourself."

"I know, right?" she cried, hastily straightening her candy-pink Jigglypuff wig. More like candy-pink everything. She looked like Elle Woods' fantasy pet with her rose-colored sequined dress and glitter-encrusted eyelashes. "Let's just hope there's gonna be cute boys cosplaying Ash so you can snag some pictures..." She threw an exaggerated wink in Scott's direction, and they both cracked up.

Damn right he was gonna be on the lookout for those cute nerdy boys. He couldn't wait. There was nothing more impressive to Scott than a hot guy who could evolve his Magikarp to a Gyarados.

Two and a half hours later, they were standing at the back of the long-ass line to get in. Everyone was in costume, from little kids to full-grown men. Some of those costumes from the men he wished he could unsee, but that's beside the point. They were there, and psyched to be there, at that. Scott had always wanted to go to Comic-Con, and he couldn't resist doing a Pokémon cosplay with Kirstie.

He heard some snippets of a conversation in front of them saying it was gonna be an hour to get in. He groaned and leaned against the wall of the building, dreading the amount of standing they were about to do.

He took out his phone and absentmindedly scrolled through Tumblr for what seemed like a little bit before suddenly, a black gloved hand grabbed his wrist and began pulling him away from the wall. Scott stumbled at first, but managed to catch up to his kidnapper's pace. From the back, they were dressed all in black from head to toe, with long black ears that stuck straight out at an angle. "Hey! What the hell-"

"Hurry up!" the guy exclaimed without looked back at Scott. A high voice, but definitely a guy. Quite frankly, Scott was less concerned about that and more offended about how this dude forcibly removes Scott from his place in line and is dragging him down the sidewalk, but demands him to hurry up. "They want an official picture with all the Pokémon cosplayers!"

As they rounded the corner, sprinting past more people in line, Scott was already out of breath with a sore wrist. "But...my friend...my friend Kirstie is still..."

"No, Avi got her," he replied, surprisingly not panting like Scott was. Scott didn't have a clue who Avi was, but he didn't ask any more questions until they finally got to the official entrance.

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