Chapter 5

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****Lucas's P.O.V****

"Bro! Are you on a suicide mission or what?" Gavin's eyes widened.

"Oh common, it's just a small burn"

"First cut, then burn, what next? Smash your head with a rolling pin?" he teased.

"Unfortunately, today Mace-Tech came to the Brown's hub for an official lunch or something, I had no other choice than this to avoid them, bloody old slug that Brown!

"Next time probably you should include in the contract that no more official lunches or dinners with any company" Gavin giggled.

"You know what! that's actually a brilliant idea!" 

"So I decided to do it," Gavin said with a suspenseful tone.

"Decided to what?" I raised a brow. 

"To marry her, to marry Stella"

"What?" I jumped out of the chair at once. "Are you kidding me?" 

"Nah! Bro, you wish I would, but I'm serious I don't see any point of not tying the knot with my girl. she is such a sweetheart, my love, will make one fine wife and a lovely mother to our children" Gavin started Stella's praising session. 

"Divorce, Alimony, money, that's what the point Gavin" I rolled my eyes. 

"No way! I have faith that till death do us apart, we will share our life together" said Gavin. 

"Those kinds of words suits well in the movies Gavin but it's real-life you gotta think of the worst consequences of your actions!" I gasped. 

"Stella actually suggested once If we ever to marry, she wants a  prenup that in case of divorce or separation or anything she will not even get a single dime of my property" Gavin reassured. 

"Let me see if she'll sing the same song when you get engaged" I sneered. 

"Alright, Bro! We'll see! so don't forget, this sunday, my place!" Gavin winked.

Gavin left after we had a delicious dinner made by my head cook Mrs.Sophia. Her pancakes are the best. I don't know what magic lies in her hand, everything she makes tastes amazing. I wonder how Freya's dishes taste, with two disastrous days in line I haven't had much luck of trying her pasta.

I have given some instructions about our next shareholders meeting to my secretary Destiny and answered some important calls before I laid in my soft satin sheeted bed. I still have the clothes on, which pilot had lent me earlier as I was lazy and busy to change. I took out the bills which Freya shoved in my pocket and a bright smile appeared on my lips.

Before meeting her, I hoped there'd be the slightest chance that Freya might turn out to be a mean sassy hot-headed bitch and I can hate her for all eternity without feeling guilty or a need to beg for her forgiveness. It's only making things hard with her empathetic behavior. How could someone be so perfect? She looks like an angel and behaves like one. Not many people I know with that looks have such a lovely personality. She even.. she even..helped our janitor earlier to mop the floor as the old lady complained about her backache. 

My eyes slowly closed as my head still lingered on to the thoughts of Freya.

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