Chapter 20

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Thanks a lot for the support all along guys! If you like Billionaire's Identity, I hope you check out the second book in the 'Identity series' called "Prince's Identity". It is currently ongoing but I will be updating regularly. Here's the link to "Prince's Identity" <3 LK

******** Lucas's P.O.V ********

I never knew public transportation can be this good. The bus is crowded and we had to stand.  It's the closest I've been to Freya since last night and her fresh rose scent is making me go crazy. Whenever a sudden brake is applied and my chest collided with hers briefly a string of electric pulses passed through my veins.  

We reached the park in the Lake area. The trees already started changing colours. We got some delicious milk tea, hot chocolate latte and Perogies at one of the Freya's favourite takeaways on our way. We picked a spot to sit under a big old white ash tree near the lake. The grass is soft and the air is crisp and clean, it's been a while since I've spent some quality time in an open space like this. I was always busy with business affairs and lately with the work at the hub. 

"You know what Leo, this is my favourite spot in the city. I always come here when I have something happy to celebrate or when I need some time to think or anything important I need to decide about" she said gazing at the blue skies. 

"I can see why. This place is awesome"! I said admiring the beauty around me. 

"Do you like it here"? she looked puzzled. 

"Of course, it's pretty refreshing here"! I nodded my head in approval. 

 "What is your favourite place, Leo"? she asked enthusiastically.

"um...Banff is my favourite place of all times" I grinned. 

"Really! I always thought of traveling somewhere nice somewhere far " she leaned her back against the tree and sipped her latte.

"Why don't you then?"  

"Maybe I lack the motivation" she shrugged. 

"What was the discussion about? with Howard earlier"? I inquired curiously. 

"Howard said he is going to propose my Escargot dish to the Walton team tomorrow, so he asked me to prepare for it" I can feel the pride and happiness in her voice. 

"That's great"! I high fived her. 

"It was my dream to present a dish I created to a larger audience someday, I am very happy  I have got the chance now. I really hope Walton team will agree to Howard's proposal", she crossed her fingers. 

Of course, why wouldn't they? after all, I am the one who pays them and they have to do things according to my will according to Lucas Weissman's will!

"They are gonna love it, trust me" I reassured her. 

"What is your dream, Leo?" she's asked me staring at the lake while a sudden gust of chill wind circled us. 

I am dumbstruck with so small yet a big question. My dream? make more money? make Weissman industries number one in the world? own half of the shares? what is my dream? 

"I don't know" I couldn't think of anything else to say as I even don't know the answer. 

"That's okay, not all of us have a dream, some find theirs on the way" she looked at me with her soothing brown eyes and a slight smile left her lips. 

"Try these" she handed me the still warm Perogies we got earlier. 

"Oh my! these are super delicious!" I munched on a few of them within seconds. 

"I loved these when I was a kid, my mom is half Polish, she used to make Perogies often" I see a thin layer of tears forming in her eyes when she said, mom.

"Teach me how to make these boss" I tried to change her mood. 

"Only if you are a good student" she giggled. 

It was a lovely day. I didn't want it to end but we had to come back to the apartment and prepare our stuff for the next week at Walton. 

I purposefully chose Walton as we never had any events planned there before and fewer chances of anyone actually identifying me. I also instructed Destiny that there shouldn't be any of the pictures of mine at the event. 

"Good job Destiny, one more thing, make kitchen area off-limits to all the members except the catering staff" hanging up the phone I laid on my bed. I realized today that it's still a long way to get what I want from Freya. 


Hi Guys! So I finally finished Chapter 20, thanks for your support and love. What do you think of Freya and Lucas/Leo's budding romance? Don't be a silent reader and share your thoughts in the comments <3: LK

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