Chapter 39

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****** Freya's P.O.V ******

"What are you talking Fre? You must be out of your mind!" Howard yelled in shock.

"Yes, I'm out of my mind for loving an enemy. Now I should make it right if I don't do this probably I could never forget him and might even want to be with him and the very possibility of it eats me alive. So I thought very well and this is the only option to get Leo...Lucas out of my system for forever, I know I'm being selfish for asking you this but.."

"She's right son, I'm sorry Freya I have heard what happened to you from Howard" Mrs.Hanks came from behind. 

"Mom! You know that the only person I've ever loved and will love is Rachael and nothing can change it" Howard's voice stiffened.

"Then what about Bella? She deserves mom's love and you are the one who's denying it! Don't you think you are being too selfish? Moreover, I am getting old and my days here are limited. Someone needs to take care of Bella and you after me. I don't think there's anyone better than Freya" Mrs.Hanks reasoned out.

"I know it's unfair for Bella but this is not the way! You are doing a big mistake Fre" Howard tried to convince me.

"See Howard, if you say no that's okay but I have to leave this place far away from that liar" I sighed.

"Fre, you've built an entire life for yourself here, you can't just back off on it now on account of some rich bastard" Howard shouted.

"If you don't want me to back off then let me in, marry me," I said.

"Daddy!! Fre's going be my mommy then? please say yes daddy!" Bella suddenly came from behind with twinkling eyes.

After a minute of silence, "Alright, if you three guys are so adamant about it then I think I should join your gang too, yes I'll marry Fre" Howard playfully tickled Bella.

"Fre, I am still not convinced this is the right thing to do but if you want to change your mind anytime you are free to do that," said Howard after we tucked Bella into bed. 

"Thank you so much, Howard, there will be no change in my decision, but I want us to get married soon" I pleaded. 

Howard looked questioningly at me.

"This weekend," I said.

"That's perfect" Mrs.Hanks jumped in excitement.

"I think we are rushing things" Howard curled his lips.

"I think we should have done it a long time ago" Mrs.Hanks patted him.

The next day I was arranging some stuff at the pantry when I overheard the conversation between Pilot and Baron in the kitchen. 

"It didn't feel like an act at all. It feels Leo genuinely is a nice person, especially after what his secretary said. He tried to help us. I don't know why he did what he did but I wish Freya wasn't that hard on him" Pilot sighed.

"You are right, given that he is the pampered heir and owner of billions he could have just lazed off around here but he still worked as hard as us. It must have been so hard for him to get accustomed here" Baron voiced out his opinion. 

No one at hub knows why Lucas changed his identity exactly, they know just he's acting and toyed with my feelings. If they know I'm sure they will despise him as much as I do but I didn't want to add more people to the list of his haters hence Howard and I remained silent. 

As soon as they realized my presence they broke off the conversation and went on their ways to work. 

So everyone thinks Leo is a good person. Maybe he is. Is he? I cursed myself that even such a thought crossed my mind.  

Finally, in the evening Howard and I broke the news to the people at the hub. We decided to marry in a private ceremony. Just Howard's family and people from the hub. From my side just me and Stella.

Rest of the week I was busy with preparations for the wedding and people at hub helped me a lot though most of them were not really happy with the sudden turn of events.

Today Rita and Karen threw a small surprise bachelorette party to me. After a long time, I had fun and as usual, Rita got pretty wasted.

"Freya I think you should know this, that day when I um kissed Leo it wasn't mutual I forced him into it, my fault entirely" Rita apologized to me.

"Doesn't matter anymore" I let out a small fake smile.

"And you know what, for a billionaire playboy he is very prude, he always opposed my advances towards him" Rita muttered. I suddenly remembered the day when I was drunk and all over him and how he was a gentleman about it.

"Don't mind her Freya she's just drunk" Karen smiled. "It's not my business to tell you but look at us, Howard helped both of us at our second chance in life and now we honestly appreciate it and doing our best right? I believe everyone deserves a second chance in life. Don't you think Leo deserves one too"? 


Hi guys! Thank you so much for your support so far. Only few more chapters to go! <3 : LK

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