Author's Note

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  Hello lovely people! I just wanted to say thank you all so so much for reading, voting and commenting on my story. I really appreciate it and I'm so glad y'all like it.

  I am a little sad to say goodbye to "Liar, Liar". Of course it will still be up on my profile for you guys to read, but chapter 10 is the final chapter. I have loved writing this story, but it is just a mini-series thing and I have a ton of other stories, ideas and requests to get to. I hope y'all will check out my other stories and I hope they're just as enjoyable.

  The next Dean novel I will be working on the most is "Steel Horse". You can find Chapter 1 in my profile, and it will hopefully be updated soon! It's going to be a full novel so it will be a lot longer than "Liar, Liar". If you're interested in reading a Sam story, I'm currently working on "Sinner", and maybe you'll like that. For Castiel fans, be on the lookout for when I post "If I Could Fly Away". Please check them out!

Lots o' love,
- Skylar

*UPDATE: the stories mentioned above are currently ON HOLD. sorry for the inconvenience.

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