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A perfect stranger

That's what you were

And that's how you should have stayed

"I'm heading out now," said my husband as he grabbed ahold of his black, medium sized briefcase from the kitchen countertop.

"I'll see you later then." I softly said to him with a warm smile gracing my lips as I stood by the sink, drying my hands with a small cloth.

"Hn." With a stern expression on his face, he left the kitchen but stopped midway before turning around and faced me.

"What?" I cautiously asked as I set the cloth right besides the sink.

He didn't say a word as he slowly approached me and I couldn't help but wonder if I did something wrong.

He stopped right in front of me and stared into my bright (e/c) eyes before leaning in and pecking my cheek which took me by surprise since he wasn't the type to be affectionate. I placed my hand on my cheek and at the sight of seeing the confusion and shock written over my face, a smirk appeared on lips.

"Thank you for the food. I'll see you later," he lowly whispered and I slowly nodded my head as I mustered up a smile for him. I watched him turn around and head out of the kitchen proceeding to go to the front door.

As soon as I heard the front door shut, the warm smile that was plastered on my lips disappeared. I sighed as I walked out of the kitchen and made my way into the living room, staring at the closed door for a few seconds. I ran my fingers through my hair and left the room making my way up the stairs onto the second floor.

I headed into our shared master bedroom to slip on a pair of sandals. Before I left the room, I took one last look in the mirror and examined my the beautiful young woman that stared into the mirror. My saddened (e/c) eyes and my long, wavy (h/c) hair that reached below my waist. I wore a spaghetti strapped cream colored dress that reached its way down to my knees. The one thing I liked about this dress was that it had pockets which I found convenient enough to stuff my hands in or place my phone in.

Mustering up a smile, I left the room and walked down the stairs trying to look somewhat content before I walked out in public. I was heading the one place where I found solace.

The beach.


I sat on the soft, warm sand with the sun beaming down on my (s/c) skin. The sound of the waves crashing against each other filled my ears as I stared at the glistening ocean and the never ending horizon that lied beyond.

I tore my eyes from the scenery before me and they drifted to my wedding ring. I watched the diamond encrusted ring sparkle in the sunlight and although it was beautiful, I couldn't help but dispiritedly sighed at the ring as my thoughts wandered to my husband.

Sasuke Uchiha.

We've been married for about two years now and our marriage has been okay I guess. We had a really rocky start, but we've made progress over time. It was a miracle if he ever showed a hint of affection and today was one of those days, but I could see that he was beginning to make some effort to do so. Sure he was handsome and had the looks, wealth, and everything, but he didn't have the personality that I was yearning for. Most girls would kill to be in my position and stand alongside him to make him happy.

But not everything is what it seems.

I let myself fall back on the soft sand and aimlessly stared up the clear blue sky with no cloud in sight to block the rays of sunlight.

Being alone like this by the ocean was soothing and peaceful. It was enough to put my mind and soul at ease. It was the one place I truly enjoyed coming to. The one place where I could be alone and have my own freedom without having my problems gnaw at me.

'I wish I could stay here forever." I lifted my arm and placed my forearm on my forehead to block my eyes from the blinding sun.

Lying around and hanging out at the beach was how I spent most of my days. There wasn't much to do at home and as for a job...well, that matter is complicated.

Hours had quickly gone by and as I grabbed my phone from the inside of my pocket the time read 4:45 pm. I sighed and decided to start heading home now and start prepping something up for dinner before he came home. I got up and dusted the specks of sand off my dress. I grabbed my sandals and slipped them on and as I did, I took one last glance at the view before me.

A soft, cool breeze blew against my face and brushed a few strands of my long (h/c) hair. As the breeze started to die down, I removed the strands of hair that got in my face and tucked it behind my ear.

As I was doing so, I felt someone tap me on my shoulder. I turned my head to the right and was met with a young handsome blonde haired man with whisker marks on his cheeks and stunning blue eyes that resembled the ocean. He was a few inches taller than me and he wore a bright orange short sleeved shirt along with black jeans.

"Can I help you?" I asked with a raised brow wondering why this cute random stranger would suddenly approach me.

"I don't know what's prettier. The sky, the ocean, or your piercing (e/c) eyes," he said with grin as he unexpectedly leaned his face close towards mine.

"Pfft," I snorted and covered my mouth to stifle my laughter as I looked at the small blush that was beginning to form on his cheeks from embarrassment.

"Is that the best you can do? Better luck next time if you want to win someone over with that flattery." I crossed my arms over my chest and cocked my head to the side with an amused grin.

A small pout appeared on his face as he ran his hand though his spiky blonde hair.

"Man, I knew I should've gone with a different approach." He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck before locking his eyes with mine. "Sorry about that, my friends over there dared me to do this." He pointed his thumb over his shoulder and I saw a group of guys who quickly turned around once I looked in their direction.

"It's fine," I said dismissing it with a wave of my hand. In all honestly, I found it rather amusing since it was the only entertaining thing that has happened to me lately.

He glanced over his shoulder and that's when he noticed that his friends were walking away. "HEY GUYS WHERE ARE YOU GOING?! DON'T LEAVE ME BEHIND!"

I winced at the blaring sound of his voice that resounded over the beach. Didn't know one could scream so loud.

"Ah sorry. I gotta go before they leave me behind. It was nice meeting you pretty lady!" He gave me a large grin before running off to catch up with his friends.

I stared at his retreating figure with a smile on my lips finding him to be rather pleasant. I wondered if I'd see him again someday. I sighed and shook my head knowing the answer to that already. I shoved my hands back inside the pockets of my dress and began to walk the opposite direction with the sun slowly beginning to come down from the sky.

As I was walking away, the blue eyed blonde glanced back over his shoulder to see me walking away, but turned away and directed his attention back to his friends.

Little did I know that we would meet again.


Who knew this encounter wouldn't last.

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