Chapter One

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The irritated blonde boy's words ran circles around Midoriya's head. He had told him that maybe a quirk was waiting for him in his next life and that he should take a swan dive off the roof to find out. He didn't understand. What had he done wrong? Was it wrong to simply exist if you were quirkless? As Bakugou and his two followers exited the classroom, the green eyed boy ran his hands through his matching green hair. It didn't seem like there was anything left for him in this terrible, unfair world.

Soon, he found his feet taking him up the stairs and to the roof. He stood at the edge, staring down at the concrete pavement below. 'Would anyone care if I died? Will it hurt? I guess I'll find out...' Taking a deep breath, he murmured, "I'm sorry mom." Clenching his fists, he stepped off the side of the building. He heard a civilian scream as the concrete slowly got closer and closer. In movies they always made it look like everything went in slow motion. But soon, he found that it happened much faster than he thought.

Suddenly, he felt himself stop falling. 'W-Was that it? Am I dead? No, no...I didn't feel pain. Do you not feel pain when you die? That can't be right.' Thoughts swarmed his mind, as soon as they left more quickly replacing them. Abruptly, he opened his eyes. He was in a dark alleyway. Peeking out, he saw many civilians gathered where he should have landed, murmuring and looking around in confusion and nervousness. Should have. But he didn't. "How is that possible..." He muttered beneath his breath. "My quirk."

He whipped around, scanning the shadows for where the mysterious deep voice had come from, sparks of fear igniting in his heart. Soon, his eyes locked onto a pair of purple ones. They stared at each other for a few moments, a tense silence stretching out between them. Finally, the mysterious purple eyed stranger clicked his tongue, slowly walking out of the shadows. It was a boy, not much older than him. He had his hands up in mock surrender, a smirk on his face. He had short black hair, dyed with neon green streaks.

He wore a black t-shirt and a leather jacket. His most imminent feature besides his strangely colored eyes was a long scar along his right cheek. "W-Who are you? Why did you save me?" Anger started to surge through Izuku's veins. "Can't you see I wanted to die?!" He yelled, tears forming in his emotional green eyes. The boy before him scanned him before shoving his hands in his pockets. Completely ignoring his question, he said with what seemed to be a reassuring grin,

"We couldn't let you die, Midoriya." A chill ran up his spine. "H-How do you know my name?" He stammered, stepping back, ready to call for help. He gasped in fright as he bumped into someone. Turning, he was faced with a girl, her white hair tied up in a pony tail. Her eyes were black with white pupils that scanned him. She had an emotionless look on her face and she wore a grey hoodie along with black sweat pants and worn out matching sneakers. He trembled in fear at her intimidating appearance.

He glanced at the purple eyed boy, full of questions. "Don't be scared." The boy said, seeming to choose his words carefully. "We just want to have a friendly chat." This brought on more suspicions in Midoriya as he still hadn't answered any of his questions. "O...Okay. But, first, are there more of you back there...?" He asked, peeking over his shoulder. "Besides uh...her?" He looked at the girl behind him who still hadn't moved or spoken. She just watched, still as a rock. The boy's grin widened. "Fair enough. Come on out."

As the boy called back into the shadows, his gaze still on Midoriya, three people made their way out of their hiding places. One was a girl. She seemed to be pretty young, but her eyes were red and had a wild aura. She had blonde hair and soft brown freckles. She wore a skirt and a unicorn t-shirt, a fuzzy pink jacket covering some of it. The other two were both boys, looking almost exactly alike. One had black hair while the other had white. They both had deep brown eyes, almost black and they watched him calmly.

They had black and white hoodies on, the one with white hair with black, the one with black hair with white. They both seemed much older than him, but not to the point of being adults. Midoriya felt terrified being surrounded by such intimidating people, so he looked back at the purple eyed boy. "Before we start...can I know your names?" He asked quietly, clenching his jeans. The boy simply nodded. "That's Yin," He pointed at the white haired boy. "And that's Yang." He motioned at the black haired boy.

They both waved, keeping the relaxed expression. "The girl behind you is their sister, Shard." Midoriya nodded slowly, looking at the girl who simply blinked at him. "The crazy blonde girl here is Sprout." The little girl waved enthusiastically as the purple eyed boy ruffled her hair with a chuckle. "And, finally," He looked back at Midoriya, running his fingers through his hair. "My name is Streak." Taking a moment to memorize their names, he nodded to himself. Streak wasted no time and stepped forward, his eyes making contact with Midoriya's.

"I'll cut straight to the chase. We find you intriguing. I am the leader of our group, Downfall. How would you like to join us?"


Aaa! That's the first chapter for you guys! I'm so hecking excited for this. I've been wanting to make an Evil! Deku AU Fanfiction for a while. I'm really hoping this gets at least a couple reads 😥

Anyway, thanks to you, reader! Looks like I accomplished my goal reader. Yay! See you next chapter ;> ))

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