Chapter Sixteen

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Deku sighed, leaning his head back against the brick wall and staring up at the ceiling. After about a day and some kissing up to the guards, his restraints had been removed, though the door was still locked. He knew that Ezuoju could easily dislodge the doorknob with a swift kick. Their body always seemed to get stronger when Ezuoju was piloting. But for some reason...he didn't. There wasn't  really an explanation. Curiosity? About Naomasa? About...UA? What could the infamous hero school possibly be like? He shook his head with a frown. He wouldn't get to find out. Downfall would save him before he even had the opportunity to go, he was sure of it!

Suddenly, the door creaked open. Looking up, he realized it was the tall, black haired man he had come to know as Detective Naomasa. The detective smiled his signature grin and walked over, kneeling down on one knee so that he was eye level. Deku couldn't help but scowl. "I'm not that short." He growled. Naomasa stifled a laugh, standing. "I'm sorry, Midoriya. I didn't mean to offend you. I just came to tell you that we are leaving. Just gotta sign your release papers." Deku stiffened, clenching his teeth. "It's. Deku." He hissed. Naomasa tilted his head, smiling nervously before turning. He began to walk out but stopped in the doorway, glancing back at him.

"Join me when you're ready, take your time." And with that, the detective disappeared. Sighing, Deku stood, brushing off his pants.



...I'm scared.

There was a long pause.

There's no reason to be. You are better than all those UA brats, and I could definitely overtake Naomasa if need be. I'll always be here to protect you, Deku. Though I'm sure you could do that yourself.

...t-thank you Ezuoju.

It's all good. Now, stop worrying. We better go before Naomasa leaves us here. Deep breaths.

A bit relieved, Deku relaxed. Taking a deep breath as instructed, he realized he was still in the hoodie he had been in at...the park. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he walked out, closing the door behind him. Just ahead, Naomasa was standing at a desk, signing a couple papers. Spotting him, the detective grinned, waving him over enthusiastically. Hesitating, Deku joined him just as he handed the forms over to the old lady behind the desk. As they walked out, she smiled sweetly, making Deku's heart squeeze. He didn't deserve smiles. He was a villain, for All Might's sake! Shuffling after Naomasa, he breathed in the fresh air when they crossed the parking lot toward the detective's slick black car.

Opening the door, he slid into the front seat, quickly averting his gaze from Naomasa who kept glancing over at him intently as he started the car. After only a couple minutes, not taking his eyes off the road, Naomasa tilted his head and asked, "If you don't mind me asking, what is your quirk?" Deku narrowed his eyes. Because he did mind. Everyone always went to quirks first. Not normal questions, like: 'What's your favorite color?' or 'Do you like dogs or cats?'. He grumbled to himself when he realized he literally had to answer. He had heard the members of Downfall gossiping about Detective Naomasa being a human lie detector.

"Uh...Classify. I can know stuff about people by touching them. Specifically their name, status, quirk, what their quirk does, and a random useful fact about them." Deku murmured, shifting uncomfortably in his seat as he stared out the window. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the detective's eyes light up in fascination, causing him to chuckle. "Wow! That's so cool!" The man gasped. Deku shrugged. "I guess so, though it isn't a flashy quirk..." He was surprised to see Naomasa shake his head. "No, no, not the quirk, though it is pretty useful. I meant that, since it isn't a physical quirk, you must've learned all of those fighting skills yourself! That's pretty cool."

Deku scratched his neck, smiling sadly as he stared at his shoes. He wasn't used to getting compliments from anyone but Downfall, and he had to admit it was a nice change of pace. " know we- I've killed people right?" Deku muttered, looking over at him. Naomasa snorted in faint amusement. "Yes, I do know that." He hummed. Deku frowned in confusion. "Then why do I not have chains- or a muzzle- or handcuffs or something??" He questioned. He had to admit he was a little disappointed in a weird way. Naomasa laughed, glancing over at him as they made a left turn. "Because I want you to be comfortable with me. Sadly, I couldn't convince UA to not have those things, so don't expect to be exactly free there." He chuckled.

Deku was surprised to see a glint of sadness in the detective's eyes, which only aggravated him. He turned away once more, clenching his teeth. "Stop feeling sorry for me." He growled. "I chose this. I don't know why you dumbasses think you can change it." Deku spat, clenching his fists. The rest of the car ride, Naomasa was silent, and Deku could feel the uncomfortableness floating in the air. Finally, they pulled up to a small white house. As he got out, Deku wondered if he should try to run. His gaze wandered over the street before he caught sight of a police cruiser sitting at the corner of the road, facing them. He scowled.

So much for feeling comfortable..

He stood beside Naomasa as the door opened. Stepping inside, he made an 'o' with his mouth, surprise gleaming in his emerald green eyes. Wandering into the dining room, he ran his hand over the smooth wooden table. Quickly, he spotted the living room couch, a soft gray surface practically begging him to jump on it. He shuffled his feet, eyes sparkling.

You are supposed to be the serious, intimidating one. I swear to god if yo-

Grinning mischievously, Deku sprinted into the living room and dove onto the couch, laughing as he bounced. He could hear Ezuoju sigh and saw him shaking his head in annoyed disappointment. Deku gasped as he rolled off onto the fluffy white carpet. Sitting up, he realized Naomasa had been watching the entire time and was stifling a laugh by covering his mouth with his hand. Deku blushed in embarrassment, narrowing his eyes and standing, turning away. "Are you going to show me my room or what?" He grumbled, crossing his arms. With a soft chuckle, Naomasa walked past him and lead him down a hallway.

He paused, stepping aside. Deku glanced around cautiously before walking into a large room. There was a nicely arranged bed against the right wall, a dark gray bedsheet spread over it along with fluffy white pillows. There were a few All Might posters. With a pang of wistfulness, he was reminded of his childhood room. Shaking his head, he leaped onto the bed with a sigh of relief. Naomasa leaned against the doorway with a small smile. Straightening when Deku's green gaze landed on him, he motioned over his shoulder, turning to leave. "Dinner will be ready soon. I'll call you. Oh- and Eraserhead wanted me to give you this."

Walking back across the light grey carpet, he handed Deku a blue paper. Deku frowned, looking at the detective. "What is it?" He questioned. "It's basically an order for your hero suit, y'know, for training and all that." Deku's frown grew as Naomasa scratched his neck nervously when he said the word 'hero'. "Uh-huh. Okay." Deku mumbled, rolling over. After a few moments, footsteps retreated across the room and the door closed gently. As soon as the sounds faded in volume, he hopped up, immediately tearing down the All Might posters and crumpling them into balls. After tossing them in the trash, he fell back onto the bed, staring at the ceiling.

Sighing, he rolled over once more and picked up the paper. Skimming through it, he rolled his eyes, setting it back down on the bedside table.

Fuck that...

You read my mind, buddy.


Wow, 1346 words! That's pretty long if I do say so myself. I started writing this last night at my friend's house, so I apologise if it's a bit boring or other. Anyway, I'll see you guys in the next chapter! I appreciate any comments about your favorite characters, or really anything. Oh! I'm glad to answer questions as well. ))

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