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Todoroki's P.O.V.

It's monday morning and I was running a few minutes late. I wouldn't get to class early, but should be there right on time. I walked through the gates of the school, through the halls and finally got to the door of the classroom. I opened and walked through the door, noticing that I was the last person to arrive. I saw (Y/N) and smiled. She hadn't notice me walk in as her attention was caught in a conversation with Mina, Momo, and Uraraka. I slowly walked over to her as her back was turned to me. I put out a hand and reached it under her chin, raised her head and gave her a short, but still passionate kiss. This woman is amazing. I disconnected our lips and gave her a smile. I turned and walked to my desk setting my stuff down on top.


I heard all three girls yell at the same time which released a small chuckle from my mouth. The rest of the girls ran over to her and the boys started staring at me in disbelief. Since the first day of school she is the only one that any of them have been talking about, which doesn't surprise me. She is the nicest person anyone could ever meet and on top of that she is gorgeous. I sit down and a few minutes later, after all of the girls in class throughly interrogated (Y/N), Mr. Aizawa started class.

"Today All-Might, myself and another teacher will be having you run exercises at an off-campus facility. It's up to you whether or not you want to dress in your hero costumes, but be warned that you aren't used to them yet." The whole class was cheering and clapping. I don't understand why they are excited about training. "Go get changed and meet at the bus."

~Time skip to when all students get warped to different zones~

~Your P.O.V.~

I opened my eyes and the black mist cleared from around me. I looked around and couldn't see any of my classmates. Those damn Villians! What are they doing here! I could tell that I was in the landslide zone, but before I could turn around to go down, I was grabbed by someone. An arm wrapped around my throat and another around my stomach which brought me closer to them.

"Don't try to fight me. I would hate for that pretty little face of yours to get damaged." I wrapped my hands around his arm that was around my throat, but he was just to strong. "Struggle all you want, I'm not going to let you go. I think I may just take you back with me and make you my little pet." Tears started to well up in my eyes as we stood there. Imagining going back with this scumbag to God knows where scared me.

He started to drag me down the hill and the tears started to roll down my face. Someone, anyone please see me and help.

I tripped on a rock, but he was so much taller that he just gripped me even closer to him. We were walking so fast that my feet barely touched the ground.

"We're almost to the rest of my group. They came over here to take care of one of your classmates. They've probably finished him by now."

We kept walking and I finally opened my eyes after a few minutes seeing that the ground was... ice?

"What the hell? Why is there ice everywhere?"

Oh Shoto, please be ok...

Tears were running full down my face by now. All I could imagine was Shoto lying somewhere on the ground and that the villians would be standing over his body with pride. I was to scared to react and I didn't know if my quickness would get me out of this. If I could just calm down I could easily get this guy to the ground and knock him out!

"I would suggest you let her go." Wait... that was!

I was turned around quickly by the guy who was holding me.

"Oh yea! And what are you gonna do about it!" Oh my god, it is Shoto! Hes safe and most importantly alive. The guy pulls out a knife as Shoto takes one step closer to us. He puts it to my neck, just barely hovering over the skin. "Come any closer and I will kill her, which would honestly be a shame. I have many plans for her once my buddies and I get back to base."

"Look, I would love to be a hero, and killing people is not what a hero does, but you are holding my girlfriend, and I will do anything to protect her."

"Ahhh, young love. Well I bet you would be very upset if I killed her than? Or maybe it would be more fun to see your reaction once you find out that I have personally dirtied her mind and body huh?" He slowly traced his arm that was around my waist up towards my breasts. I looked at Shoto and he was boiling over with anger.

Before he could move his hand any closer, I used all my strength to rip the knife away from my neck. That made him react by pulling away his other arm and I grabbed the arm with the knife and quickly back flipped behind him still holding his arm and shoved it into his back. I twisted the knife out of his hand and tossed it towards Shoto. I slammed the guys face into the ground and held it there. Shoto ran over to us and made a cocoon of ice around the man so he could no longer move.

We looked at each other for a second and I  quickly buried myself into his chest. He held the back of my head, and his other wrapped around my lower back.

"I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner. I'm just glad you didn't warp somewhere else. I don't know what I would have done if you were taken or hurt." I pulled away from his chest and smiled at him, my eyes all puffy from crying. He gave me a quick kiss, then grabbed my hand and we headed towards the center of the building. "Come on. We should help the others. We both can be useful at that big fight in the center."

I might be sensitive, and really like girly things, but, I did know my way around a fight. My dad made sure of that.

A Hero's Voice // Shoto Todoroki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now