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"Hey yo! How was your weekend?! Was it so totally awesome?"

I closed the door behind me as looked to see my dad at the kitchen table eating a sandwich.

'Yea, it was fun. How was your weekend?'

"It was so totally cool, ya dig?" As he finished talking I heard the upstairs bathroom door shut. I looked to my dad who was now getting up from the table and walking to the sink. I moved towards the stairs and I saw Aizawa coming down them. He must have showered because his hair was still really wet, but it was pulled into a ponytail in the back.

"Oh, hi. How was your weekend?"

'It was good. Where you keeping dad company?'

'You could say that.'

'Well, I'm glad he wasn't alone. You know he has issues being alone for to long.'

Aizawa smiled at me and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed my bag and went upstairs to my room to unpack. After I did that, I went downstairs to eat lunch. Aizawa was still here, him and my dad were watching the news. Add my food was heating up, I listened in on the news report.

Even though it's been awhile since the U.S.J. attack, reports were still being done on it. They ended the report by discussing if UA should still hold the sports festival this year.

The microwave went off and I went to collect my food. I ate it pretty quickly, then returned to my room. It was a bit of a mess, so I spent the rest of the day cleaning and doing my laundry.

I was just starting to get ready for bed and my phone went off what seemed like a billion times.

Girls of 1A group chat

9:03 pm

How was everyone's weekend!?


My parents and I went shopping. They are going to a gala this week and I wanted to help my mom find the perfect dress.


I spent the weekend doing homework. Otherwise, I didn't do much.


I helped my parents with a few things, then my mom and I went to the mall!


My cousins visited and we played hide and seek! It was pretty funny.


My dad and I worked on new music together.


(Y/N)? You there? What did you and that fancy boyfriend of yours do this weekend?


Yea I'm here. I was just brushing my teeth. Shoto took me to his family's summer home.


OH MY GOSH! How cute! What was it like?! I bet it was beautiful!


You have to tell us everything! Come on please!


How about tomorrow, during lunch? I was just about to go to bed.


Ugh, fine! But we will be waiting!

I turned my phone on silent and set my alarm. I changed into my pj's and then crawled into bed. I could hear the faint voices of my dad and Aizawa downstairs. Weird, I didn't even realize that he was still here.

The next morning I woke up to an empty house. I went downstairs to eat breakfast and my dad had left me a note on the table.

Went to the school early with Aizawa. We have a meeting. Shoto said he would come by this morning and take you to school. Love you!

I shrugged it off and went to the cabinet, grabbing a box of cereal. I sat down at the table and poured myself a bowl and ate it. As I was cleaning up the doorbell rang, so I quickly put all the dishes in the sink and went to answer the door. I opened it to see Shoto starring right at me.

"Good morn... oh..." His cheeks flushed red and he quickly dropped his gaze to his feet. I was confused at first until I remembered what I was wearing. I was wearing a black satin tank top with no bra, and very short shorts. I could feel my cheeks copy the same color as his and I grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside. I then closed the door behind him and ran upstairs. Once I got in my room I slammed the door shut in embarrassment and began to change into my school uniform.

I grabbed my backpack and slowly opened my bedroom door. I then walked back downstairs where Shoto was waiting for me.

"I'm gonna try this again. Good Morning." I smiled at him and he pulled me in for a deep kiss. One arm wrapped around my waist, the other trailed it's way to the back of my neck and he passionately connected our lips.

I got lost along the way, but he was able to break us free from each other.

"Come on. We don't want to be late." Shoto grabbed my bag and we walked out the front door. He reached in my bag and pulled my keys out, locking the front door. I got into the backseat of the car and waved to Henry, who waved back. Shoto then got in and sat next to me.

We got to the school quickly and walked to class together. Shoto opened the door and I walked through, finding my seat right away and sitting in it. The rest of the class followed behind and all took their seats. Class begun when Aizawa walked in.

"Good Morning Class. In two weeks you will all be participating in the U.A. Sports Festival. Even as first years, this is a good way for pros to get a good glimpse at the possibilities of your future. Leading up to it, you will all do training to help get you preparred for it. So work hard."

Everyone was getting super excited while Aizawa was talking. I wanted to win, just like everyone else, but knew that if I had to go up against someone like Bakugo, or Tokoyami, heck half the class is better than me. There's no way I could win now, but in two weeks time, who knows?

"Oh and (Y/N), your dad needs to see you, you can go to him now." I shook my head and walked down to wear all the teachers had their desks. I slipped through the door and he was just getting off the phone. He turned and looked at me.

"Heya Kiddo! I got something to ask ya. The x-ray came back from that Doctor appointment last week. Doc wants to know if you are still doing your vocal exercises."

'I stopped those a long time ago. It's no use anymore. My voice is never coming back dad.'

"Doc says differently. He said that your vocal chords aren't 'connecting' correctly, but have also seemed to have gotten thicker than your last appointment. They think they finally figured out how to get your voice back."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing... was he serious?

"The only thing is that I'm leaving this completely up to you. It would involve surgery."

A Hero's Voice // Shoto Todoroki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now