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"Oh, wait. Could we stop at our rooms first? I had another dress picked out for you."

"Of course Shoto."

We went to our rooms and I found a box laying on my bed. I opened it to reveal a beautiful dark purple dress. I slipped it on and it hung on my body perfectly. It was floor length with lace details at the bottom. My back was covered in lace detailing that stretched up into short sleeves.

I let my hair fall naturally and walked into the hallway. Shoto was standing outside his door with his hands in his pockets waiting for me.

"You look absolutely stunning (Y/N)." He walked over and grabbed my hands, kissing my lips, but only for a moment.

"You look great too Shoto." I gave him a warm smile and looked at the rest of his outfit. He had on a very black suit that was complimented with a tie to match my dress. He looped his arm into mine and we then headed straight to the balcony.

He opened the door and motioned for me to walk outside. I walked through the door to see a table set up with two plates and a single candle lit in the center.

I looked up to the night sky. The moon was huge, and the whole sky was nothing but stars. I heard the door close and I turned towards Shoto. He slipped his hands around my waist and carefully placed his lips on mine. The heat between us grew as he pulled me in further to his kiss.

He released my lips and my trance was broken. As he pulled away I could hear him quietly whisper.

"Beautiful." I smiled up at him and he then walked me to the table and pulled out my chair. I took my seat and then Shoto took his.

"So what was that thing you had to do this morning?"

"Hm? Oh, I um... well, I visited my mother."

"Shoto, that's amazing! How'd it go?"

"Well, I think it went good. We talked about a lot of things... including you."

"Why would you do that?"

"I haven't seen her in forever so we were catching up, and you are something important to me, so it was worth telling her about." I smiled shyly, red appearing on my cheeks. I looked down at my lap and fiddle with my hands. "She wants you to come with me sometime. If that's ok?"

I looked back up at him, kind of surprised. "I... I would love to." He smiled at me and we were interrupted by the staff who was now placing our food in front of us.

We finished our food and our plates were collected from us.

"Do you wanna go for a walk down to the lake?"

I lifted my eyes to his and shook my head yes. He stood up and helped me out of my chair. We walked down the stairs that were connected to the balcony and started down the path.

I looked up at the stars once more, taking in the sight.

"It's so beautiful out tonight."

I didn't notice, but Shoto had looked at me when I said that and didn't take his eyes off of me.

"Yes, it really is."

I looked at him and our eyes met. He was smiling and I could feel heat creeping it's way onto my cheeks. I laid my head on his shoulder as we continued to walk.

We were soon greeted by a gazebo that had intricate detailing all around it. It sat on the edge of the lake with a bench in the center of it.

I felt a drop of water on my nose and I looked up to the sky. Shoto must have noticed it to as he did the same.

It started to rain heavier, so Shoto took my hand and led me into the gazebo before we got to wet. I went to the edge and looked out at the rain hitting the lake.

"I've always loved the rain. In a way it helps calm me down." Shoto walked up beside me and put his suit jacket over my shoulders. I looked back at him and smiled.

"You looked like you were staring to get cold."

"That's why I have you." I laughed a little then walked over to the bench and sat down. Shoto sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him making myself more comfortable.

Wer sat for about ten minutes in silence. But it was peaceful silence. The tapping of the rain hitting the roof of the gazebo and the moonlight hitting off the lake made the whole experience wonderful.

"We should wait out the rain and then head back. It seems to be slowing down a little."

"That's fine."

I felt his hand gently pull my chin up to him and our lips connected for a moment. I giggled when he released me and a confused look overtook his face.

"What's so funny?"

"Your just 'kissy' today, that's all."

"Is that a complaint? Cause I don't think I kiss you enough."

"No! It's not a complaint! I just find it kinda funny and was wondering what got into you. That kiss before dinner was getting kind of heated."

"I just... couldn't help myself. You... you just do something to me."

"Shh... it's ok Shoto. Kiss me again." He looked at me for a moment, then in one instance he put his hand on the back side of my neck and brought me in again, our lips reuniting.

It started off slow, but soon grew into something more heated, passionate. He scooped me up and sat me up on his lap so I was just barely taller. He held me close in his strong arms like he never wanted me to leave.

He slowed down and released my lips so we could both catch our breaths.

"I'm sorry. Something came ov... " I placed a finger on his lips.

"Shhh... Shoto it's ok." I stared into his eyes. They were filled with love and... something else. "Shoto... babe... I want you." His grip around my waist tightened as my words came out of my mouth.

"I... I do too, but no, my love. We must be patient."

This story seems to be more popular than my other ones in terms of comments and votes, so I hope this is something that you are all really enjoying! I read every comment, and even if I don't respond, I do enjoy them! So Thanks!

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