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I slowly woke up noticing a beam of light coming from the windows and straight onto my face. I lifted my head up slightly to look around the room. Shoto was sitting in a chair in the corner reading a book. He looked up and gave me a warm smile.

"Good Morning. I hope you don't mind that I was sitting in here. I didn't want to wake you."

I sat up the rest of the way and swung my legs over the side of the bed.

"Are you hungry? The chef said that breakfast would be ready whenever we were." I was about to answer when my stomach decided to growl very loudly. "Hmm... I will take that as a yes. I'm going to grab something from my room really quick. Why don't you get changed and then meet me in the hallway."

Before I could even stand up, he raced out the door, quietly closing the door behind him. I grabbed a pair of pants and a shirt that was hanging in the closet. It was a little chilly so without looking I quickly grabbed a random sweatshirt and pulled it on. It was bigger on me, but cozy and it smelled just like Shoto. I walked into the hallway and Shoto was coming out of his room. He looked at me and gave me a light chuckle.

"So, is this what it feels like to have your girlfriend steal your sweatshirts?"

I smiled at him, then lightly punched him in the shoulder. He grabbed my hand and led me to the dining hall where we enjoyed our breakfast together.

The rest of the day we mostly relaxed and spent time in the library. Shoto did take me out to the lake for about an hour, but it started to rain so we went back inside. The day was as perfect as it could be. Shoto walked me to my room once again and wished me a goodnight before returning to his room. I plopped down on the bed and quickly was overcome by sleep.

I never like waking up in the middle of the night, but about once a month I get really bed nightmares that keep me up for the rest of the night. Usually I would just go into my dad's room like a little girl and he would stay up with me until I was ready to go back to bed, but he isn't here.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. It was 2 a.m. There was no way Shoto was still awake, but I wanted to just make sure. I quickly opened my messages and texted him.

2:01 a.m.

Are you awake?

2:03 a.m.

I am now, your text woke me up. Is everything ok?

2:04 a.m.

I'm sorry I woke you up, but could you come here?

2:05 a.m.

Yes, give me one minute. I will be right there.

I put my phone back down and turned on the lamp that was on the bedside table. About two minutes later Shoto walked through the door.

"Is everything ok, (Y/N)?"

'I had a nightmare and it woke me up suddenly. Would you mind staying in here with me for a bit?'

He took the phone and read it and immediately crawled into the bed next to me.

"Come here." He laid down and I did too, laying my head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around me and slowly, the rise and fall of his breathing calmed me down.

"Does this happen often?" I shake my head yes and look up into his eyes. They are starring at the ceiling in an almost worried state. "I'm sorry that it happens. I don't know how to help you, but I can at least hold you to make you feel safe. You should try to fall back asleep though. It's late and we have a long drive home tomorrow."

For the next 5 or ten minutes we just layed there in silence. I listened to his heartbeat while his chest slowly rocked me to sleep. No more nightmares, not even a good dream. Just silence for the rest of the night.

I woke up the next morning expecting Shoto to be asleep next to me, but he wasn't. I just laid in the bed for about 5 minutes, letting my eyes adjust to the sunlight peaking through the window, when my door opened. Shoto walked through with a big tray of food in his hands.

"Oh, Good Morning. I decided that having breakfast in bed was a good idea for this morning. I hope you don't mind." I smiled at him as he walked over and placed the tray down in front of me. I reached for the apple juice right away since I was very thirsty. I gulped it down quickly and then set the cup back down.

"I went back to my room after you had fallen asleep last night. I didn't know if you would want me to stay in here or not, so I thought better safe than sorry."

I grabbed my phone and began typing.

'Its ok. I was a little surprised this morning when I woke up that you weren't here.'

"Oh, sorry. Did you sleep better though?"

I shook my head yes as I grabbed a fork and started cutting the pancakes sitting in front of me.

"So... I have a question. You don't have to answer it if you don't want to." I looked at him with a puzzled look as I took a big bite of my food. "So, why is it you can't speak? It's just confusing to me, afterall you Dad has a quirk involving his voice."

I was kind of surprised. Nobody has ever asked me about it because everyone assumes that I was born not being able to speak. The only people that really know alot about my life in general are Aizawa and Midnight. I took a deep breath and began typing quickly.

'I was born being able to talk. I cried and screamed like a normal baby, but when my quickness quirk manifested, my voice stopped working. We tried for days, but I couldn't produce my voice anymore. Dad took me to the doctor's and they gave me a full exam. They told us that everything was perfectly healthy and that there was no reason for me to loose my voice. They were able to find out somehow that I should have manifested not only my mother's quirk, but my dads as well. In fact, my vocal chords are exact copies of what my dad has. They are much stronger than the average person's because he can get so loud. Since I've lost it, I have been able to say a few words, but they are very quiet and sound strained. My dad and the doctors are still hopeful that one day my voice will come back, but I'm not. I don't even try anymore unless the doctor asks me to in the office.'

As Shoto was reading I finished my pancakes and wiped off my mouth. I then felt an icy hand rest on mine. I looked down at his hand on mine and then back up to him. In his eyes he looked sad, but he was trying to hold it back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." We looked at each other for a minute before Shoto spoke again. "We should get going. The maids have already packed our stuff and Henry is waiting downstairs for us. If you get changed, I can take this back to the kitchen. They left one outfit for you in the closet." He gave me a warm smile and then grabbed the tray, heading out the door. I got out of bed and moved to the closet. A pair of jeans and a plain black t-shirt waited for me.

I got dressed and then went downstairs and met Shoto by the front door. We walked outside, and just like he said, Henry was waiting for us by the car. We both climbed in and Henry started the car and started driving away.

"I hope you enjoyed our weekend together."

'I did Shoto. It was beautiful.'

He leaned down and kissed the top of my head. The whole way home I laid on his shoulder as his arm was wrapped around me and we sat in silence once again.

Well Shoto, you really know how to make a girl fall for you.

A Hero's Voice // Shoto Todoroki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now