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I could feel the sun beaming through the window and onto my face. The warmth woke me up, but I soon realized my whole body was sweating. A very unfamiliar feeling was building up in my stomach. I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom.

After about 30 seconds I was able to catch my breath from throwing up. I stood up and immediately the room was spinning. I stumbled to the sink and splashed some cold water onto my face. I looked in the mirror and my entire face was red and my nose was runny. I fell back to the floor and leaned up against the wall.

I heard my bedroom door open suddenly and some footsteps.

"(Y/N)? Where are you?"

"I... I'm in here." My voice came out very raspy and quiet. Shoto walked through the door and rushed over to me quickly. He grabbed my hand and lingered a hand down my cheek.

"Are you ok my love?"

"I just threw..." I curled over to the toilet and started throwing up again. Shoto immediately reacted and grabbed my hair out of the way. After I stopped I almost fell back, but Shoto held me in his arms.

"You're burning up (Y/N)."

"I... think I got the stomach flu overnight or something." I leaned into him and he placed his right hand on my cheek. His hand was ice cold, but felt so good against my burning cheek. He then moved his hand to my forehead, then down my arm.

"I'm sorry..."

"What are you sorry for my love?"

"This is kinda putting a damper on our one year isn't it?"

"No... Now I just get to take care of you." He smiled at me and squeezed me a little closer to him.

"I don't want you to get sick Shoto."

"I'll be fine." He pulled out his phone and I could see him text the chef something about soup and crackers. "Do you want to try and go back to the bed? Or we can stay here."

Before I could answer I had to rush over the toilet again. He took my hair into his hands again and kept it out of the way.

He helped me stand up and my legs immediately gave out. He was able to scoop me up in his arms before I fell on the floor.

"I've got you my love. I won't let you fall." I wrapped an arm around his neck and held on close to him.

"I think I can lay down now. I'll be fine for a few minutes at least. "

He walked me over to the bed and layed me down, pulling the cover over me. I layed on my back with my eyes shut and holding my stomach.

"I'm gonna go get you something to eat ok?"

I shook my head at him and he left. Once he was gone I started to speed up my body's healing.

As soon as Shoto came back I stopped and was already feeling better. He brought in a tray and I sat up in the bed. He set the tray down over my bed and I stared at all the amazing food.

"I got you some soup. It doesn't have a ton of stuff in it so hopefully it'll be good for your stomach. Also fruit, orange juice and water."

"Thank you Shoto... It looks delicious." I grabbed the spoon and started eating the broth very slowly,getting it settle in my stomach. Shoto then reached out for his pocket and pulled out a thermometer. He swiped it across my forehead and seconds later it made a little dingy sound.

"Your at 102 degrees. I'll go get you a cold rag for your head."

"Or you cold use your hand." I mumbled this under my breath and chuckled to myself a little. I then looked to Shoto who hadn't moved yet. "What?"

"Or I could use my hand? I guess." He sat behind me and brought me into his lap. He put his hand on my forehead and a cool feeling immediately ignited. It wasn't ice cold, but it was making me feel better. I continued to eat until I was finished.

When I was done, set the tray aside and then leaned into Shoto's chest. He continued to hold me until I cooled down a little.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Yea... the soup helped a lot. I also put my body into a quick healing mode."

"Is that ok for you to do?"

"Yea whenever I'm sick I do it and I'm normally better by noon."

"Well that's handy..." I turned around and kissed his nose.

"I'm doing a lot better. The fever is always the last thing to go."

"Well, you don't feel warm anymore."

"See! All better!" I jumped out of the bed and grabbed his hand.

"Hey, maybe we should take it easy. You were just throwing up a couple hours ago."

"I'm better... I promise. Let's celebrate our anniversary Shoto."

He looked at me as if to see if I was hiding something. He finally just sighed and grabbed me hand.

"Ok, let's go."

A Hero's Voice // Shoto Todoroki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now