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We have been driving for what seems like forever. I leaned my head onto Shoto's shoulder and started to drift off. It was dark and the city lights were getting further and further behind us. I looked up to Shoto's face and he was staring out the window.

The car turned onto a long driveway and I could see a brightly lit house in the distance. As we got closer, I was able to notice how big it was.

"This is my family's summer home. My Father would have me do training outside here during the summer months growing up. Despite that, I've always loved it here, it's beautiful. Especially at night."

I wrapped my arms around Shoto's as we finished the drive up towards the front door. He opened the door and helped me out. He then said thanks to Henry and waved him goodbye.

"He will be back later to pick us up. I can give you a tour of the house later, but our dinner is around the back." He offered his arm and I grabbed it, clinging to it so I could stay close to him since it was a little cold out.

"Here." He positioned himself on the other side of me. "This way you'll stay warmer. You aren't going to get warmer hanging on to my cold side." He smiled down at me and I returned the smile, leaning my head on his shoulder once again as we walked. I could feel warmth coming off of his arm, so I figured he was using his quirk.

We turned the corner and the sight was beautiful. Small tealight candles flooded the yard and some formed a path to a gazebo in the distance. String lights lit up the gazebo and you could see that a table was set for two. We walked closer to the gazebo and stepped up the few stairs. We were surrounded by all different types of white flowers that beautifully mixed with each other. I let go of Shoto's arm to look out the other side of the gazebo.

The fresh scent of water and sand hit my nose. A huge lake sat in front of me not to far away.

"Do you like it?"

I turned to him and shook my head, a smile plastered across my face.

"I've been working on this for a while now. I want to make sure I treat you right."

I took out my phone and began typing.
'You didn't have to do this Shoto. But I am very grateful you did. It looks amazing.'

"Come sit, please. I believe our dinner is ready, or it's almost ready." Shoto pulled out my chair and I walked over and sat in it. He then sat opposite of me.

For the next hour and a half, we ate our dinner and dessert and just talked. All through out, the workers would come check on us and make sure everything was going ok. I took the last bite of my pie slice and Shoto just stared at me and smiled. I wiped my mouth and swallowed looking back at him.

'Is everything ok?'

He read the message and handed my phone back to me.

"Everything is fine. You just... you make me happy. I've never had this feeling before I met you. You add something to my life that... well, I never thought I would find."

I smile at him, a few tears starting to gather in my eyes.

"Please don't cry... I'm sorry if I went to far."

'You didn't Shoto. You make me so happy too. That's it.'

"Well, if you would like, I can show you around the house now that we are finished. The kitchen staff will come by and clean up for us." He stretched out his hand to me and I grasped onto it. He helped me out of my chair. Still holding my hand he led me through a pair of doors.

He led me to many rooms, including a training room, a pool, the kitchen, dining room, etc. We went upstairs and started down the hallway.

"Here's the library." He opened the door and we walked through. It looked like I walked through to that scene in Beauty and the Beast. The Library was HUGE! My eyes went wide and I just couldn't believe how big it was.

'It's amazing!'

I handed my phone to Shoto and ran to the different shelves, scanning my finger across the spines of the books, carefully reading each title I came across. I then felt my phone slip into my back pocket and Shoto's arms wrapped around my waist.

"I didn't know you loved books this much. Come on, one more room you need to see. You can come in here tomorrow. I asked your dad if it would be ok if I steal you for the whole weekend and he said it was fine." I spun around quickly and gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek. He smiled and then grabbed my hand. He led me to another room and then turned to me.

"This is my bedroom. If you want to, you can sleep in here, or in the guest bedroom. It doesn't matter to me." He opened the door and led me in, still holding my hand.

His room had a very soft and cozy atmosphere to it. It was very earth toned, but it was nice. It smelled just like him too.

"I had a couple of the woman who work for my family get you some clothes for this weekend. I had them brought up here and they are in my closet since I didn't know where you would want to sleep. I figured this might be more comfy for you then the guest bedroom."

'Thank you.'

He gave me a big hug and gently pat the back of my head. I buried my face in his shoulder and took in his scent.

"You sleep here, I will take the other room. It's getting kind of late, so I will leave you here so you can rest. Also, behind this door is the bathroom and this door is the closet. The clothes that are for you are hanging up on the right side. If you need anything I'm going to be in the room directly across from you. Goodnight (Y/N)."

And with swift movement, he walked into the hallway, closing the door behind him. I looked at my phone and realized how late it actually was. I decided to go straight to bed and shower in the morning. I easily found my clothes that Shoto mentioned and changed into pajamas. I climbed into the bed and was able to fall asleep with no problem since my head was only filled with thoughts of Shoto.

A Hero's Voice // Shoto Todoroki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now