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Todoroki's P.O.V.

The day after the Sport's Festival took place.

It's been about two weeks since (Y/N)'s surgery. She was in the hospital for two more days afterwards and I visited after school on both days. We've been working on her speech, and so has her dad, Mr. Aizawa and Midnight.

She returned the following Monday to school and every welcomed her back. Principal Nezu stopped us in the hallway on the way to lunch and let her know that she had special permission to not participate in the Sports Festival.

After the final match between Bakugo and I, she was waiting by my side until I woke up, then after the the awards ceremony we had gone to dinner. I walked her home afterwards and then went home. We have the next two days off from school.

Your P.O.V.

I hopped down the stairs and saw Aizawa sitting on the couch watching the news.

"Hey Aizawa!"

"Hm? Oh, hey kid." I started walking towards the kitchen when my dad walked out holding two mugs full of coffee.

"Hey dad, um... Shoto is gonna be here in a few minutes. Is there anyway we could steal the T.V. from you and Aizawa?"

"Oh, um... he texted me this morning and asked if he could take you for the break. I told him he could."

"That's news to me."

"I'm pretty sure he said he was taking you to that summer home you guys went to when you first started dating."

Knock Knock Knock

I walked over to the door and opened it.


"Hello... what's wrong? You look sad."

"It's more confused. I thought we were staying here?"

"Oh, um... yes. Well, I thought it would be nice to get away for the short break and be... alone."

"Oh, well. Let me go pack some clothes really quick then."

"No need. The maids collected clothes for you and they are waiting at the house."

"Well let's go then. Bye dad!"

"Bye sweetie, have fun!"

I walked out the door and closed it behind. We got halfway to the car when I realized I forgot my phone.

"Oh, wait Shoto. I forgot my phone on that little table next to the door." I rushed back to the door. The whole moment felt like it was in slow motion.

I opened the door and reached for my phone right away. As I reached for my phone, my eyes lifted to the couch. Aizawa's hand went under my dad's chin and their lips connected. It was only for a moment, but that one moment surprised me completely. I grabbed my phone quickly (using my quirk) and slammed the door shut. I ran to Shoto, grabbed his hand and we quickly got to the car.

"Hey Henry, how's it going? Great that's awesome, let's go." I dove into the car and Shoto followed me. Henry closed our door and placed himself in the drivers seat and we took off. I'm just going to put that memory in the deepest part of my thoughts and hopefully this whole mini vacation will get my mind off of it.

We drove about halfway in silence before Shoto spoke up.

"So have you tried to use voice yet?"

"What do you mean? I talk to you all the time?"

"No, voice. The quirk you got from you dad?"

"Oh, no not yet. Dr. T wants me to wait one more week. My vocal chords have slowly been getting thicker since the surgery. And it's something that my body is doing on it's own, so Recovery Girl can't help speed it up."

"Hm... I guess that makes sense."

"Shoto, why did you want to get away for the break? We could have just hung out at my house?"

"You've been working so hard the past few weeks. You deserve to have a little... relaxation. That's what this is all for."

"Aren't you the one who needs some time to relax? You just fought in the Sports Festival yesterday and got second place."

"Yes, but what you have been doing for the past few weeks has been much harder work than what I did yesterday."

"How about we both deserve some time to relax."

"Ok, that's fine. Now, rest your head on my shoulder. I've got some things planned for tonight and I don't need you falling asleep."

I rested my head on Shoto's shoulder as we continued to drive, I slowly fell asleep and rested for about 20 minutes before I could hear Shoto's smooth voice waking me up.

"Come on (Y/N). We're here. It's time to wake up." I lifted my head and stretched my arms out. I looked out the window to the familiar Todoroki summer home. I took off my seatbelts and got out of the car after Shoto. He walked me up the stairs and we entered the huge home.

"So what's on the agenda Shoto?" I don't have anything planned until dinner, so we still have a few hours. What would you like to do?

"I would kind of like to just put on a sweatshirt and go to the library for a little bit. Could I borrow one? I left my jacket at home."

"Yes of course. You can have this one." He lifted the sweatshirt up, a part of his shirt snagged and he exposed his abs. Lost in the sight and not realizing I was staring, Shoto finished taking his sweatshirt off and then fixed his shirt. He smiled as he walked over to me and embraced me in a warm hug. He then kissed my forehead and before I could reach his lips he plopped the sweatshirt over my head. He chuckled at me as I pulled it all the way on.

"It's a little big on you, don't ya think?"

"I think it's the perfect size Shoto." He smiled again and then took my hand leading me to the library.

I am still amazed at how big this place really is. Books line each wall to the ceiling and the smell is of old books and new ones combined.

"I'm gonna go find a book." I walked away from him and ran my fingers across many shelves trying to find something to read.

We spent about two hours together in the Library. Shoto sat behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist. He just read over my shoulder and we sat in peace and quiet the whole time.

One of the maids walked in and informed us that dinner was ready on the back balcony. We stood up and slowly walked hand in hand to the balcony. The night was already going perfect.

A Hero's Voice // Shoto Todoroki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now