Chapter 5

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I ran and ran until I ended up in the woods near the house. Once I made sure I was far enough from the house, I stopped. I turned around to make sure Luca wasn't behind me and thank the lord he wasn't.

I couldn't hear any noises. Only the birds chirping and the leaves rustling but other than that, nothing.

I looked around me. The woods was beautiful but I couldn't enjoy it because I needed to get as far away from that house as possible. I just went with my gut and went right.

I don't know how I'm going to get home. I don't even know where I am. Why won't he tell me?!

Ughhh I hate feeling lost.

A gush of wind went past me and I got goosebumps. I remembered I only had my shorts and my shirt from yesterday on. I'm so stupid for not getting a jacket but then again I don't even know where anything is in his house.

I walked and walked but I still couldn't get out of the woods. It felt like I was walking in circles. I think I walked for an hour but I couldn't see the houses roof anymore so that means I got far.

I decided to have a rest and found a small fallen tree to sit on. My stomach rumbled and I remembered I haven't eaten or drank anything.
I wasn't that worried about not eating for another day or two but what I was worried about was if I didn't escape this place.

What if I was stuck here for a week?

I didn't even know what wild animals lurked in this forest.

I decided to go looking for a river because I was thirsty too. I could hear faint noises of water.

Oh please, let there be a river somewhere in this big woods.

I started to walk in the direction of the noise and I was right. There was a river ahead of me. I ran down and made sure to watch where I stepped. I didn't need to injure myself in this situation.

I got to the river and squatted down. I washed my face and then drank some water. It felt so good to quench my thirst.

I looked up at the sky and saw that it was getting dark. I got up and searched for some grass or some place near the river soft enough to sleep on.

I finally found some grass and laid down. I made myself a bit comfortable and tried to warm myself up by blowing on to my hands but it didn't work. Oh well.

I wonder what Luca was doing now. It feels weird to say his first name. Luca. It suits him so well though.

Was he in the woods looking for me right now? What would he do if he catches me again?

I kept asking myself all these questions. I don't want to be caught again by him. If he catches me, he'll never let me go again. Well that's what he said.

"This is your home now and you will be staying here for the rest of your life."

His voice rang in my head. What are his intentions? What if he's lying that he loves me but wants to use me? I don't want to be with him and not for the rest of my life. I hate being forced to do things. I've been forced to do things my whole life.

Sigh. I wish I had a normal life. I wish my parents hadn't died when I was four. I felt sorry for the four year old me. The lost, sad, confused child crying for her parents. They took me to the orphanage and I couldn't take the harsh treatment anymore so I ran away at the age of sixteen. I was homeless for a few days and was sitting near the petrol station when the police found me saying they got a call from the orphanage saying a young girl with brown hair and hazel eyes escaped. They took me back and I was crying. I got worse treatment after that. I was there until my seventeenth birthday and ran away that night pretending to go out for my birthday. I found a job and a small, old house shortly after escaping. I don't think they called the police after that because no one came looking for me. That job was the cafè and that's where I met Luca.

Tears were rushing out of my eyes while remembering those sad memories. I thought about my life. I'm only eighteen and I have so much ahead of me.

Hopefully one day, I can find another job and save money to go to college. That's my dream. To go to college.

I took a deep breath and wiped my tears away. I looked up and smiled. Everything's going to be alright one day. I just know it!

I suddenly heard something in the bush. I stood up and looked for something around me to help defend myself.

I found a a long, thick stick and grabbed it. I held it in the air ready to hit whatever or whoever it was.

My heart was beating so fast and I was sweating! What if it's a wolf?

Suddenly, a small rabbit came out and once it saw me standing with the stick in the air, it ran back in the bush.

Sigh. I've got to stop being a scaredy cat. I lay back down on the grass, closed my eyes and went to sleep with a bit of hope that I'll find help tomorrow.

Sorry for the short chapter. Next chapter is going to be exciting though!

Bye till next time! Xxx

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