Chapter 1

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It was just another hectic day at the cafè . It was already busy and it's only morning. Don't get me wrong, I love this place but sometimes it makes me want to rip my hair off. Well, what job doesn't make you want to rip your hair off?

The bell dinged letting me know someone has just come in. I turned around to serve the person and saw it was one of my favourite customers.

Mr Black.

He's been a regular customer since a year ago and would come everyday. Morning and afternoon. He would get his usual cup of coffee and then sit down in the far back of the corner of the room on the same table. He was a really good man even though he owned a business company. Usually, they were the cocky, mean ones.

"Good morning, Mr Black, how are you today?" I said with a smile.

He smiled back. "Darling, I'm not good because I constantly have to tell you to stop calling me Mr Black. Call me Luca."

"And I have to constantly tell you that I have to be professional and cannot call my customers by their first names."

"It's the damn job. Sooner or later, you won't have to work here anymore." He looked away and mumbled but I didn't hear exactly what he said.


He looked at me. "Nothing. Can I please have an-"

"An espresso?" I asked with a grin.

He smiled. "Yes."

"An espresso coming right up. I take it you're going to sit on table 15."

"You know me so well. And yes, I am."

I took the order and looked up at him.

"Can i ask a question if that's alright with you?"

"You can ask me any type of question you want." I don't get what he meant by that but I can tell it had a double meaning.

"Why do you always sit there?"

He looked at me intensely which made me kinda uncomfortable.

"Let's just say the view is the most beautiful from there." He said.

I don't understand. He sits in the chair that faces the inside and the cashier area. He doesn't look outside at all. That's weird.


After he paid, he went to take a seat on table 15 while I went to make an espresso. While making the espresso, my mind wandered to Mr Black.

He was handsome all right, and always appeared in magazines and on tv. He had the full package. He was six foot three, with green eyes and tan skin. His dark brown hair that looked so soft but men like him would never be interested in me. I'm just a basic girl. Even if he did ask me out, I wouldn't be able to give him what he wants. I'm struggling to feed myself and to get into a relationship and all that pressure of going out. I can't do that. Sigh.

I looked up at him and caught him staring at me like before. Intense. That's all I can say. I think he knew he made me uncomfortable because he looked away and took out his phone.

I blushed and looked down.

I got his espresso, got the plate and napkins and walked towards his table.

I stopped at his table and placed the cup on the table. He put his phone away.

"Would you like anything else along with your expresso, Mr Black?" I asked.

"Yes actually. I would like you to join me." He said.

That caught me by surprise.

"Oh I'm sorry Mr Black but I'm getting paid to do my job and my job isn't to sit and do nothing." I said as nice as i could. "Sorry once again."

I turned to walk back to the cashier when he said my name.


"Yes, sir."

He looked like he was contemplating on whether to say something or not. Finally he spoke and I did not expect the next words that came out of his mouth.

"Go out with me."

I stood there shocked for a moment and quickly straightened up.

"Call me or raise your hand whenever you need me." I smiled at him. I turned to leave when he grabbed my hand.

"Luna, why won't you go out with me? What's the problem with me?" He asked.

I pulled my hand from his hold and sighed.

"Mr Black-"

"It's Luca." He corrected.

"You're not the problem." I said.

"Then what's the problem?" He asked.

"I'm the problem." I quickly said and started to walk away.

"Luna." He called out.

I stopped but didn't turn around this time.

"You can't keep running away from me. You can keep running and can even try to hide but I will make you mine, sooner or later."

I didn't say anything this time and continued to walk to the cashier.

I went to the staff room and closed the door. I looked at him from the window and he was still staring. He then got up, put something on the table and left the cafe.

Once I made sure he left, I got out and went to his table. He left a hundred dollar tip and a small note next to it.

Call me if you need anything. *******328
-Luca x

I hated this feeling. I hated it when people felt pity for me. I don't need their pity. I just want to be left alone so I can focus on my own life.

I got the cup, the hundred dollar tip and the note and walked towards the cashier. I placed the cup in the sink, put the hundred dollar tip in the cashier and decided to swap that for a ten dollar tip cause it's too much for a tip. I got the note and put it in the bin.

I cleaned and served customers for the rest of the day until it was time to close the cafe. I locked the door and turned the 'we're open' sign around. I washed the remaining dishes and mopped the floor. I was exhausted by the time I was done.

I went to the staff room, got my coat and put it on. I checked the cafe one more time to make sure everything was in its place and once I was sure it was, I got out.

Thank god I brought my coat cause it's freezing!

I wrapped my arms around myself and locked the door. I started to walk towards the bus stop when I noticed a black Mercedes following me. I'm just being paranoid. Once I got to the bus stop, I turned around and the Mercedes was gone. I knew I was being paranoid.

The bus arrived quickly and I was home before I knew it. I had a shower and changed into my shorts and tank top. I jumped on my bed and snuggled under the bed covers.

I remembered everything that happened today and blushed. Does that mean Mr Black likes me? No, he just wants to use you to get in your pants, a voice in the back of my head told me.

Luna, what are you thinking? I decided I'm going crazy. Mr Black will probably never come back to the cafè or he'll probably stop talking to me after I rejected him.

I sighed and got into a comfortable position. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Little did I know that tomorrow, my life would change forever.

Thank you so much for reading my book!
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Bye till next time! Xxx

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