Chapter 16

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"I love you."

I didn't say a word and looked away from him.
I heard him let out a sigh and felt a hand under my chin turning my face towards him.

"I know it'll take time for you to say it back but I will keep my word. You will love me, sooner or later." He said.

Will I? Will I really love you back, Luca? I don't think a relationship with me will last a week. Well, that will never happen.

I moved my face from his hold and let out a deep sigh.

"Luca....I'm telling you this now before things get more serious."

"I'm already seri-"

"No. Let me finish." I interrupted. "This relationship you want between us will never happen. I know it won't and you've got to start believing that too. Please, don't make things hard for yourself because I will feel guilty knowing I made you feel pain when I could've stopped it."

"This relationship will happen whether you like it or not. I will never let you go, my darling Luna. You're stuck with me for the rest of your life." He said.

"Luca, that's never going to happen." I told him.

"Then stop keeping secrets and tell me why." He said.

"I can't." I said and walked towards the door when Luca pulled me back.

"No. I've given you enough time. If there's something that will keep you from loving me, then I need to know. I have a right to know."

"No, you don't."

"I do because you're mine!" He yelled.

"No, you don't!" I yelled angrily and pulled my hand from his hold continuing walking. That's enough. He can't forget that I'm human too. I'm not going to listen to everything he says. I got pulled back and without me even thinking, I slapped him. And really hard too.

It was like time had stopped. I stared at his now red cheek filled with regret. His face was still turned to the side.

"L-Luca, I-I didn't mean-" I started. Luca turned his face to me slowly. I gasped. He looked so angry with his jaw clenched and his eyes dark. His hands turned into fists. He started to leave but I stepped in front of him, holding his arms, blocking his path.

"Wait! Luca, I'm so-"

"Let go, Luna." He said and pulled his arms away from me and left.

What did you do, Luna? I took a deep breath and went after him. I looked in every room I went past and figured he would be in his room. I quickly went and checked but there was no sign of him. He's probably in his office. The door to his office was closed so I knocked before going in. I didn't want to make him angry than he already was.

Knock knock

No answer. I'm just going to go in.

"Luca?" I whispered peeking inside the room.

There he was sitting on his chair facing me but his eyes were on his laptop. I walked towards him and stopped in front of his desk.

"Luca." No answer.

I let out a sigh and shut his laptop. He rolled his eyes at me and took out his phone typing something. I rolled my eyes at him and took a deep breath.

"Luca. I'm really sorry. I know there's no excuse to hit you but just please stop asking personal questions about my past. But I do regret slapping you." I said looking up at him.

No answer.

Someone help me with this man.

I looked around the room and decided to sit on the couch that was in the office. An hour later, nothing changed. Luca still didn't speak to me, not even a word. He did glance at me a few times and when I would catch him, he would look away and pretend that he didn't just look at me.

My stomach growled and I quickly looked at Luca and caught him staring at my stomach with a guilty look on his face but when we made eye contact, he once again pretended like I didn't exist. Okay then.

I stood up from the couch and made my to the door. I stopped halfway and turned around.

"I'm making lunch. Do you have something in mind that you want me to make?" I asked him. I got no response from him. "Okay then. Once again, I'm sorry and I feel so bad so please stop ignoring me." I said and left the room.

I made my way to the kitchen. Hmm, what should I make for lunch? What about roast chicken, roast potatoes and chicken? That sounds great and it can be another way of apologising to him. I took out all the things I needed to make the food and began working on it.

Two hours later and I was finally done. FINALLY! I took one plate out and a glass. I'll eat once I give him his food. I placed the food on the plate as nice as I could and looked at it. Looks good enough to eat. I opened the fridge and spotted orange juice. That will do. I too it out and poured it in his glass. I put it back in the fridge and quickly put his plate of food and glass on the tray and walked up to his office.

I pushed the door open with my foot and walked in to see him on his phone. He looked up for a second and looked back down ignoring me again. I let out a sigh and walked towards his table placing the plate and the glass in front of him. I realised I forgot the spoon and the knife.

"Sorry, I forgot something." I said embarrassed and went to get the spoon and the knife. I walked back in and placed them on his table. He looked at his food and then looked at the empty tray. He then looked at me and just kept on staring.

"Are you going to say anything?" I asked him.

He didn't answer and I decided that maybe I was just annoying him. I'm just going to leave and try again later. I let out a sigh. And turned around making my way out of the room. I nearly left the room when I heard Luca laughing. I turned around to make sure I wasn't hearing things. But there he was, sitting in his chair, staring and laughing at me.

I felt happy that finally he was laughing but I didn't smile just in case he was still angry with me and was laughing at something else instead. The laughter stopped but the staring continued.

"So you do care about me?" He asked with the sudden question.

"What does that have to do with any of this?" I asked confused by his question. "I just feel guilty about slapping you which I will never do again."

"There's no point lying. You showed it all in your actions. You sitting in my office not leaving until I spoke to you. You caring enough to make me food and brought it to me even though I was ignoring you. Even the fact that you felt guilty after slapping me proved that you care about me cause usually victims don't care at all about their kidnapper even if they slapped them." He said smiling at me.

I stood there shocked. No no no. I don't care about him, do I? Nope!

"No. That doesn't prove anything." I said trying to make him think I don't care but listening to what he said makes sense that I actually care about him. Why would I do all those stuff for him then?

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, darling. But you and I both know you care deeply for me." He said in a dramatic tone.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, psycho." I said which ended in me and Luca laughing.

"Once again, I'm sorry for slapping you."

"Darling, I didn't feel a thing. I just got angry to see how you would react and I got the reaction I wanted." He said smirking.

Are you serious?

"You are the most annoying person ever." I said while he laughed.

It went quiet for a moment. Luca looked at his food and the empty tray.

"Won't you join me?" He asked looking at me.

I smiled happy that he was happy with me.

"Let me get my food." I said leaving a happy, grinning Luca.

Hey guys! Sorry for suddenly disappearing. I feel so bad but I'm back now. I will continue to update every Saturday.

Love you guys! Xx ❤️

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