Chapter 14

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I was on my way to Lucas office after he angrily left me alone in the hallway. I wondered if I said anything that bad for him to get angry. I just asked about his father.

I opened the door leading to Lucas office and stepped inside. I approached Luca who was sitting on his chair in front of his desk typing on his laptop. He ignored me.

"Luca." I called him but he continued to Ignore me. I rolled my eyes and walked up to him and shut his laptop. He stood up from his seat and began walking towards his wine collection on the side of the room. I walked to the front of the table and lifted myself up to take a seat on the table. I watched him as he poured himself some wine. He turned around and leaned on the table watching me. It was like a competition, to see who would stay quiet the longest.

"Luca, look. I didn't know you didn't like me bringing up your father but to be fair, you didn't tell me anything about not speaking about him. We are the only ones who live here and have no one but each other to talk to. It makes it a bit hard if you don't tell me what is okay and not okay to talk about. You have to start telling me things." I said quietly.

He kept watching me not saying a word. I groaned and fell back on the table. "You're so bloody stubborn." I closed my eyes and waited for him to speak. When I didn't hear a thing, I opened my eyes to see Luca hovering over me with both his arms on either side of me. I nervously sat up.

"For once you're right." He chuckled. "I haven't been opening up to you myself." A couple of seconds went past.

"You don't have to tell me, you know. I know some things are meant to remain a secret and are hard to talk to with someone, especially a stranger. But sometimes it's easier to talk to someone." I told him.

He met my gaze and sighed. "You're not a stranger to me. You're more than that. I want you to know that it's because you mean everything to me that I'm telling you this." He took a deep breath and started his story. "My father was a very abusive man, Luna. He would constantly hit my mother and I whenever he got the chance. I was not able to do anything because I was just 7 years old. I felt useless. It continued until one day, my father left my mother and I for another woman. My mother was pregnant with my sister at the time. Those days were hard for us. A single mother who had to care for two children and had to shelter, feed and clothe them. But my mother was strong and didn't give up. Instead, she opened up her own jewellery business. With the money, she gave us a better life and for that I will always be thankful. I felt guilty for not being able to help her when she needed help the most so I opened up my own company to prove to her that I was good at something and it became one of the most profitable companies in the world. I will feel guilty for the rest of my life for not standing up for her." He whispered the last words. I wanted to just hug him and tell him that everything's alright and that he is one of the best sons in the world. And so I did. I pulled him towards me and wrapped my arms around his muscly figure, laying my head on his chest. His cologne filled my nostrils as I smelt him. I felt special because i knew this was something he wouldn't share with just anyone.

"Luca, if there's one thing i know, it's that you are a man who cares for his family more than anyone. Even after you told me your story. You were only seven years old. What could you do?" I said and pulled back. I moved away some stubborn hair that fell on his forehead.

"It doesn't stop there, my darling Luna. The day my father left us, I promised myself that I will make his life a living hell just like he made ours." He clenched his fists.

"Breathe." I reminded him while combing my fingers through his hair.

He took a deep breath and continued.

"I found out everything about him. I found out where he lived, how many children he had with that whore and everything else including his death." Oh no. So that's what was bothering him. He could never get revenge for what his father did to his mother.

"He died in a car accident, along with his whore of a wife. It kills me to this day that i could never make my father pay back for what he did."

"What would you have done?" I asked curious as to what he would've done.

"I would've killed him." I stopped breathing. By the look on his face, it was hard to think he wasn't serious.

I sighed. "Luca, I know he made bad decisions but at the end of the day, violence is never the answer to any problem. You must always forgive and forget, and move on with your life. By forgiving the person, you show them the greatest strength a person can possess. It's not easy to forgive a person who has done wrong to you, trust me I know. It can take many years but doing it will ease your mind and your heart."

Luca stared at me with so many emotions in his eyes. He stared at me as if I was the most precious, rare diamond. I felt butterflies in my stomach by his stare and felt my cheeks get hot.

"Who is the man who hurt you, Luna?" All that giddiness in my stomach disappeared and was replaced by anxiety.

"W-What?" I stuttered.

"Only those who have been hurt severely in their life speak such wise words. So answer me again. Who hurt you?"

"No one." I said and looked away from his questioning eyes.

Luca grabbed my chin with his hand and faced it towards him so I would have no choice but to look at him.

"You probably forgave whoever hurt you but I don't." He came closer to my face. "And when I find him, I will make sure he regrets ever hurting you." I have forgiven him. It's taken me years but I have. I moved on but the wounds are opening up again ever since Luca kidnapped me.

I remained quiet.

"The longer you hide his identity from me, the worse his punishments will be." He said. I nodded. I will make sure he never finds out.

Luca leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek. His lips were so soft and they lingered there for a few seconds before he moved away. "My beautiful Luna."

"I'm going to make lunch." He headed for the door when he turned around. "Are you coming?" He asked me.

"Oh, y-yeah." I said and lifted myself of the table. He held my hand and joined our fingers together.

"I was thinking of making fettuccine today." He said something I've never heard before and looked at me waiting for my answer.

"I don't know what that is but it sounds delicious." I said and he laughed.

"It's pasta that's originated from my country, Italy. My mother is quite the best when it comes to cooking and I have adopted her ways as well." Luca is amazing at cooking so if he says his mum is better than him then I wonder what his mums cooking was like.

"Are you Italian?" I asked.

"Yes but if you're wondering why I don't have an accent, thats because I was born here. Why?" Luca questioned.

"Just curious." I answered.

"You my darling, are a curious little girl." He said and I giggled.

"And you, my kidnapper, are very nosy. Always butting into my business."

"You're kidnapper? I love the yours part but not so much the kidnapper part." He said smiling.

Oh my god! I didn't even realise I called him my kidnapper. "Um no, I didn't mean-"

"Shh. Let's keep it at that." He said.

I stopped walking when I noticed something. Luca said he's not going to stop until he finds the man. But the question is.

How long am I going to be stuck here until he finds out?


So I've finally made my decision. I'll be updating every Saturday.

Until next time. Sweet dreams Xx

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