Chapter 21

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My eyes widened as I took in the sight in front of me. So this was where he worked. It was beautiful. It had a modern look to it. If this was what it looked like from the outside, I can't imagine what it would look like from the inside.

Luca parked the car and being the gentleman he always is opened the door for me. I stepped out of the car quickly, eager to go in. The building was so tall, I had to strain my neck to take a good look at it.

A hand placed behind my neck pushed me forward. I turned to Luca.


"Don't hurt yourself. Come on now. Let's go inside." He extended his hand out to me for me to take it which I did and together we walked inside.

We entered the building through the large revolving doors and I was right. The interior was way better than the exterior. It was simple yet luxurious. It was very spacious. You could bring a whole circus in here.

I giggled at the thought of a circus being in here and Lucas grumpy face.

"What are you giggling at?" Luca asked with one of his beautiful smiles.

"You're building is so spacious, you could fit a whole circus here." I told him.

"Oh really?" He asked stopping and turning around to look around his building.

"Yes, I think so." I said.

"I think so too." He said chuckling. "It's got a lot of space to do other things too."

"Like what?" I asked curious.

"Things that involve you and I only." He said smirking.

I felt heat spread to my cheeks and avoided his stare.

"Well, thank the lord that's never going to happen."

"Oh it will. Sooner or later." He said with a promising tone.

I won't ever let him touch me that way. I can't right?

We didn't say anything else as we approached the elevators and that's when I realised everyone giving us curious glances.

When the elevators doors opened, we stepped inside.

Luca leaned on his back against the wall. When the doors closed, he pulled me towards him swiftly. Both my hands landed on his chest to stop my face from hitting his chest. I looked up at him.

"Now, do you remember the rules or should I go over them again." He asked lowering his face down, one arm around my waist keeping me in place and the other playing with my hair.

"No, I remember." I said nervously because of the way we were standing.

"I'm going to go over them one more time just in case." He said. "Rule number one, you will be accompanying me to work every single morning and will stay with me till the end. So you have already accompanied me but you will not be leaving until I finish. Understand?"

I nodded.

"Rule number two. You-"

"I can't talk to anyone unless you allow me too, including Diego. I know."

He looked surprised yet glad that I remembered.

"Rule number three-" he started but I interrupted once again.

"If I need anything, I ask you. Even if I need to go to the bathroom, you will take me and wait outside until I'm done," I said, "and rule number four, I'm not to talk to any man."

"Perfect." He said grinning. "If you're hungry, just let me know. You are not to be leaving the building at all. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, yes." I said rolling my eyes.

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