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I take the stairs. I know if I'm all alone in an elevator for more then five seconds I'll break down. Jogging up a staircase alone at least gives my mind something to do.

Our apartment is on the 17th floor, so you can imagine it would be quite taxing to have to run up 17 flights of stairs.

By the 8th flight, I'm out of breath, sweaty, and crying again.


I make it to the door at half past 10, my tears under control and my sweat dry and smelly. Cassie isn't home, probably out partying with Andrew or something of that faction.

I peel my clothes off and jump into a shower, the water on the hottest setting. When I look down at my legs, they have red patches here and there, but I'm so numb with annoyance and fear that I wouldn't have even noticed if I hadn't looked down.

After a shower, my fluffy white comforter looks even more inviting. I slide into the covers, a heavy sigh of relief as my feet start to ache for a brief moment before the pain subsides. My lamp is comforting, but I force myself to turn the light off. If I don't I know I'll never get to sleep.

Slowly, I fade until I'm dreaming.

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