Chapter 1: Mr. Butterbur?

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I sat with Mr. Butterbur in the entrance of The Prancing Pony as we watched men, dwarves, hobbits and elves dance and sing together. One jolly man even sang a song loud and clear for all to hear! It was magnificent that night until there was a scary incident...

Mr. Butterbur suddenly stopped tapping his feet to the music and the smile on his face was wiped off. He put his hand to his heart as he tumbled off the chair with a thud.

I looked at him and it felt like the world had come to a pause. The crowd gasped and some cried... Mr. Butterbur started to weez and puff for air as he rolled into a ball on the floor. I put my hand on his shoulder and panic over took me. The way he was just dying in front of me and I wasn't doing a thing brought my heart to a swell... A pain and a sadness, and anger too, that simply stole all the happiness from my life for a long time.

Suddenly, Mr. Butterbur stopped to twitch and ghasp for air. He simply lay on the ground in a heap of silence. The cries around me took a full blow and I was just in utter awe at what happened.

Was Mr. Butterbur dead? Yes, he was gone and now lay before me...

He felt like an uncle or even a father to me. Now, he was gone.

"Sophia?" A lady came over to me slowly. She had been here in Bree for days now and I believe her name was Belinda. "Are you okay"?

"No, Belinda. Im not." I took another glance at Mr. Butterbur and then the corners of my eyes started to go black and fuzzy. Then I grasped for her but missed! I slammed down onto the ground. It all went black.


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