Chapter 7: Sitting Room

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We walked out to the living room following Bilbo and Frodo.

"It's er... Nice to meet you." Frodo was saying to the dwarves as he hesitated to shake their hands.

I couldn't help but laugh a bit at the racist way he was acting. We are simply Dwarves.

I noticed that Kili was getting passed by others as they trampled the halls. I hung back on the side of the hall as the dwarves passed me and said things like "nice to see you again" or "how are you?" I smiled at each of them and was as polite as possible until I was next to Fili. I continued walking then.

"How have you been?" I looked over at Kili across Fili as kindly as possible.
Instantly, Fili slowed his pace and walked behind us so I could nudge in closer to Kili. Fili had always been so nice to me and I think he knew more about me than i knew about myself....
"I am well, and you?" We came to a fireplace room and everyone sat down ungraciously .
"Fine, I have come back from Bree for, there is nothing there for me anymore, nor anyone..."
"I heard and Im sorry to hear. So, from my understanding you are to live with us in The Lonely Mountain?" His voice was deep and reminded me of his grace. My eyes darted up to his face from the floor and his features did remain rather the same as before. A lively and handsome lad...
"Yes, I will be coming back to live with the dwarves now, I had a choice to go to Rivendell or with you and I chose Gandalf... Well, i mean i wanted to follow him but he wouldn't let me so he sent me here so i could find you. Understand??" I paused with sweaty palm and my nervousness to be so close to then. Our thighs were pressed up tightly against each others and every so often he or i would get a nudge together. As usual, he held his head high on his handsome broad shoulders.
"Hahaha!!!" Bofur cried out next to me and nocked me right over to Kili and my hand landed on his chest, just bellow the shoulder. I only then realized that his and my heart were beating faster than a drum. My other hand rested around his back over a bulge of muscle and my eyes looked right up into his. His hands were fumbled around my waist for some reason and i felt a sigh coming on when I realized that everyone was looking at us. I pulled my hands away and turned to scowl at Bofur.
It seemed to me that our tiny affair had been no secret. Our flirting was usually on high, however i never let my true feelings be seen. I couldn't have at the time...
Kili's expression was the most hilarious, a sly smile at us but Thorin's was not quite the same... His face was giving off a horrendous scowl of disapproval right to Kili.
As soon as i notice all of this i jerked back and cleared my throat . We both acted nervous and natural desperate for someone to start talking. Though, Kili's nerves had obviously not come from my touch, but his uncle angry eyes.
I cleared my throat again and kept my gaze down at my feet. A short endurance of silence echoed after the laughing of rowdy dwarves came to a close.
"Well... Let us eat, our journey has been long and it is now time to eat..." Thorin grumbled out as he stood up and walked to Bilbo.
He leaned down and whispered something to him but i couldn't hear... The sleek smile pressed to his lips at Bilbo's sight made my heart warm.
I felt a gentle nudge on my arm and looked to see Kili holding back a smile as sly as Fili's. I always loved the way that Fili smiled, his moustache braids setting him so different from his young brother. He was almost a copy of his strong willed uncle.
"Come along." I pressed up to stand taller and took a deep breath as we squished through the crown of dwarves. I thumped down on a chair in the dinning hall that gave me a shallow splinter in my left leg.
"I can save one for you." I smiled and laid my hand on the chair next to me. Kili subtly smiled and turned around to go get some food from the pantry. I could feel that there was a strange air between us, a lack of connection in Kili's words. I held off a pout as i help my hand on the chair, praying for a change in the manor of Kili's words.  
I felt a hand on my shoulder And flicked my hair around to see Thorin looking very stern at me.
"I've got some things i'd like to say to a girl who talks to my nephew." His voice was very low and the hustle of knives in the pantry meant all the dwarves were grabbing for food.
"And those words would be?" I asked shallowly, innocently.
"My kin are of royal blood. They're marriage has purpose." I was slightly dumfounded...
"Thorin, i mean nothing by it." I spoke loudly.
"Enough! Not now..." Thorin looked all around for the bustling others.
"Why not now?" I almost stood to face the dwarf. My mind racing, confusion.
"I've only been speaking to your nephews, king Thorin. I mean no intentions." I spoke louder again.
"I'd hope you mean no intentions. If you had them, i'd be dumbfounded at your idiocy." He spat down to me and thats when i could sit no longer. My feet met the floor and i starred into Thorin's eyes, frustrated.
"I must warn you." He whispered, "do not waste your time in hopeless ventures to my young nephew. I have plans for him." And with that, he put his heated hand on my shoulder and pushed me down into the seat. I boiled with anger, but kept my quiet as Bombur walked into the room holding a giant plate of cheese.

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